
May I join you in adding that one does not bake a turkey? One roasts it. most cases I avoid generalizations, but...

Cold Turkey.

We went to my Uncle’s ski cabin for Thanksgiving one year. It snowed and my mean boy cousins made fun of me because they could write their names in the snow and I couldn’t. I tried,I peed on my new jeans, I cried, I got in trouble for not acting ladylike. And then......I practiced every day for an entire fucking year

I was...12, I think? And I had found, in some magazine or another, a little blurb about a “romantic phone line”. It was a prerecorded message that was basically 90 seconds of a guy with a sexy voice talking about how you were the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, how he longed to take you in his arms and “make you

I spent one Thanksgiving week as a teenager making out with the best friend of one of my cousins, who was staying with them because her parents were going through a nasty divorce. This branch of my family is really religious and conservative, and during dinner, my aunt launches into a rant about how important it is

Our president is perfectly happy with smearing the name of a murdered journalist in the interest of maintaining lucrative weapons contracts

This headline is also misleading.

All the ways that society tells us black women don’t matter, regardless of race or pedigree. Imagine if a young white woman physician in a trauma center in Chicago was gunned down. All the headlines would be about her as you don’t get a “worthier victim” than that. But even when it is our best and brightest, we are

It’s easier for people to see the person who the violence is perpetrated against as a full victim when it’s violence committed randomly, by a stranger, ‘wrong place, wrong time’, etc.*  When it’s committed by the partner or former partner of a person, it’s easier for people to let the questions come about the victim

I feel like domestic violence is not an adequate way to describe this. 

So... their plan was just to rip off the Bridget Jones series?

Thank you, I will continue to write from the comfort of my high-end apartment that I can inexplicably afford by writing comments on blog posts!

Pretty sure he got eaten by a giant spider on Doctor Who.

And here I found myself, in a support group filled with fabulously dressed widows, all wearing strappy Manolo sandals and delicately pulling out a tissue from their Louis Vuitton purses. I couldn’t help but wonder, in a city as chaotic as New York, are we all destined to murder our husbands?

I would have enjoyed seeing this conflict on-screen as a way to write her character out. Charlotte and Samantha were polar opposites. Miranda took back her cheating husband which Samantha wouldn’t do that with Rick. Carrie’s husband dies. Meanwhile, Samantha is single and enjoying life. It would give the viewers who

Personally, I’m thinking he gets eaten by a giant spider.

Now playing

This rule was originally proposed by the Men Without Hats as a matter of public safety.

I have to admit, this article is hard for me. I was never disowned, but when I came out it was met with a solid wall of denial and was kicked out. I’m now financially independent, but I still just...don’t talk about my LGBTI identity with my parents. We operate under a ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy. And it kills me.

The parents are probably the ones who alerted the NCAA.