
If only we had some federal group dedicated to policing communications companies...


Well the good news is that you wont need it to continue getting new maps and heroes for free and you can stillplay with people that own overwatch 2. Also any cosmetics you own will go forward into 2.

I don’t think it’s up to this lady to define what is considered sexual and what is not (me neither but I go by simple logic here). She may have her opinion on the matter but we shouldn’t ignore why most people (horny kids mostly) flock to these streamers: A partially naked chick live on camera.

The “Abandon hope of objectivity, all ye who enter here” sign has long hung on Gizmodo’s home page, sadly, but I’m sure you can’t even hear how unabashedly protective you sound - not even of Google, per se, but of your personal ideology. These pieces may not be helpful to anyone, but I hope they’re at least cathartic

Seems like it has been around forever because Miley Cyrus used to do it all the time. I always thought she looked ridiculous doing it.

Ha, figures it’d be something like this.

Network intern - “We could create a streaming service of our own that shows exclusively our shows and costs 1/10th of what customers currently pay for cable. They’ll flock to our services.”

Hey, NBC, listen: I’ve watched The Office, in its entirety, about a thousand times. It’s great to play while I am cooking because of this fact. But here’s a tip: I ain’t gonna sign up to another service for background noise. And pulling this from Netflix, and instead of coming up with something new I want to watch,

Hey, we found the PC gamer.

See, no one cares.

Yes, everyone who likes things you don’t “get” is “stupid”. That’s exactly it.

Comes to an electronics blog and criticizes people for demanding that the electronic product they paid for works correctly.

you can blame trump for just about anything on any gawker site and get a bunch of stars, the morons are everywhere. 

The recall email has an @aol domain? that’s not sketchy

Mario and I had this conversation while this piece was in edits, and I get where you’re both coming from. But if a company jacks the price up on its GPUs and then moves unexpectedly from a 1-2 year cadence to a 6 month cadence I think folks are entitled to be miffed.

To be fair, with the cost of the Xbox One S currently, it is actually one of the cheapest options for a 4K Blu-ray player. They are freaking expensive. Heck that is the main reason I’m getting a Xbox One X (although I’d probably get one even if I didn’t have a 4K TV as I like having all the latest consoles so I can

What is with these names? Really, you’re gonna trust a guy who calls himself lolex with you money? See, that was your first mistake.

“ScoutsKnives” maps were an absolute blast back in the day. Good to see low-grav scouting and stabbing continues to have a place in the community.

Seems to me like there is an easy solution to the problem. Just make the rewards for successfully killing another player or team outweigh the risk. Something like some kickass weapons, armour etc. would probably do the job.