
Very underwhelming. 

I concede! 

Gawker is the parent company of these far left propaganda sites. The more you know..

Yet another Gawker apologist who points fingers in order to sidestep the general criticism laid forward. “but... But...THEY are the problem” is not a valid rebuttal or defense. But congrats you are dancing to the tune Gawker puts on repeat for you. 

this makes me want to homebrew my Switch and torrent their games. utterly disgusted

So I don’t get it it, are we mad that police officers don’t get in trouble? Or are we mad that food industry employees got in trouble for severely violating health codes?

Bought theseries on Blu-ray for $30 then backed them up to have digital access. Never looked back. So done playing this game with the oligopolies that pretend to be in competition.

Gagged while trying to read, had to give up. This article was obviously targeted towards 21 year old girls. 

For once I agree that the minority opinion is hands down the idiotic opinion. 

It was mostly that with some better deals. This was an exception. 

While that's true, he also is still a moron and unfit to lead. Both things are true. 

Lol this is a news story? 

Lol nice click bait headline. 

For once I completely agree with a Gawker editor. 

That's not the all. 

Pussy piece of shit wont approve comment. Draconian sack of shit. 

“of every type" jesuschrist lol

Cuck it up babe

In this game, there shouldn’t be a single crappy weapon. No one said they should all be amazing. You projected that.

Award winning reporting 🤣