
i was going to pull the trigger but there was only Bamboo available and I just can’t in good conscience make a knee jerk purchase on something that I will use every day. hope those who jumped on board aren’t disappointed.

i was going to pull the trigger but there was only Bamboo available and I just can’t in good conscience make a knee

haha exactly. what does this guy think...that they are expanding something unpopular?

exactly. i love video games. if you are offended by his commentary, then you really need to grow a backbone

but it’s not a skit. it’s his real reaction to video games. video games are indded dumb in its own nature. a skit implies a script was written. that’s not at all the case with CG

I do. Conan is at his most hilarious when he’s spontaneous. I think he should do an Anthony Bordane-style travel show as he already does on-location stuff for his late night show. It’s why Clueless Gamer works so well because it’s unscripted and he’s not told what to say and not say about a game.

a bit late on this story, eh Kotaku? Man, stuff like Reddit and neoGAF existing makes the commoner know more than big media.

He didn’t actually do anything

He’s not going to prison you moron.

 And if the 15year old looks like a supermodel? Yeah some guys only get one shot. It’s these officers who are sick. Entrapment this absolutely is.

I think these undercover officers are the sick ones.

Pokenerds needed someone relatable.

why in the hell am I seeing this in my Kotaku feed? go away Gawker

keep quacking’s all you have.

Smart, Amazon! Way to promote use of your very own Kindle lololol

Smart, Amazon! Way to promote use of your very own Kindle lololol

Is it necessary to report every single time a country like Russia does something like this, as if it’s news? Christ, it’s not like NYC or San Francisco banned it. We get it - Democrats want to start a war with Russia.

Sorry but if you cant beat your copycat, that’s on you. Time to make something new. Progress, do t just milk your one thing and then complain when someone mimics it.

You’re implying that C.A.H. was a completely original idea. It’s basically Mad Libs lite, on cards.

Meh, I’m a freemarket type (idealistic, I know, but with sound laws it can truly be the best)

sometimes games are in dev so long that by the time that console they develop for is dead, it’s too late to simply cancel it and develop for the new system. better to just get the game out there and hope you break even

looks like mobile. Either way, this is some horrible reporting.