
except the PS3 sold at a faster rate than the 360 in the last three years of their life cycles

I listen to a few podcasts who “clearly” state their biases but I can’t help but feel like in the end, it really doesn’t matter as the final point being made is the one that sticks. If I make clear my biases in the second paragraph of a 15 page thesis without re-addressing it, I’d think most people would forget about

it doesnt happen that much. this compiliation makes it seem like it does.

How is making Mei’s ult wider make players play “smart”? If anything, it gives a larger margin of error for “dumb” players. The headline makes no sense.

because why would you optionally create an ugly person

Mainstream tropes

lol right exactly...what friggin bummer

Must be struggling

Must be struggling

...assuming that the female sex has no negative qualities to also accomadte for? It's interesting how you interpret your academics in a way that removes it from anything academic and turns it into elementary speculation.

agreed. she's trying too hard to be technically correct. in person she'd have "well, technically..." somewhere in her rebuttal. she agrees with you; the entire gaming population agrees.

good question. i noticed that about shadows of hte damned. It took quite a while before it becamse a common $12 used game. For me, this mediocre-reviewed game can wait. I'll pick it up for $10 next year.

No lone favorite. Pokemon and Hey Arnold come to mind.

Moving on from a Swedish car manufacturer, the mob has also gone and bombed DOTA 2's Metacritic page, bringing its user score down to 4.2 (it used to be 8+, but I know, user score, whatever). Users have also gone after the Facebook page of President Obama.

bawston is cabbage. drunken scum

Does anybody know what the largest HDD the PS4 supports? I want to get the biggest and baddest one and never have to worry about upgrading.

i find it ridiculous that my sony PlayStation branded bluetooth ps3 headset doesnt work at launch. it's Moto RAZR didnt have any problems connecting to any brand. Why not a brand new, same-brand, $400 machine?

3 FPS and a questionable platformer? Not really.

sound shapes and flower? oh thank god how else would i be able to play them -_-

what does this have to do with wanting to play music while browsing menus/store? I think it's rather ridiculous Sony doesnt allow music. It's most likley got to do with their insanely crippling DRM methods.

You turn on the machine. Your controller is already charged, because unlike the PS3, the PS4 can power up your DualShock overnight. The latest system update finished downloading while you were asleep. You didn't have to connect to the Internet to play any games, but the day-one system update enables a lot of features,