
cool, sounds like Watch Dogs

What's hilarious is that your very own employer's other sources tell us different. Hey Gawker, get it together. Make sure your editors actually do research before making such stupid claims. My god internet media is so...immature…

"you should be brushing your teeth after breakfast anyway, you freak.

Definitely. Sadly I am skeptical that this freshman dev team has the chops. So basically, arkham city in an open world as alive as Watch Dogs seems to be

lol you're bored

my rating of Nintendo's lifetime value to me, since NES: 9/10

Ironically you're the one

this could merely be an issue with the guys porting the game, not the Wii u itself. But everyones so quick to jump on the bash-Wii-U train. What if the game runs at smoother framerates on Wii u? None of you know. I'm not defending Wii u as much as I'm pointing out everyone, including brian ashcraft's, jump to

I would simply like a better open world, not bigger - as others have said, I want more access to the surrounding environments. So basically, a more dynamic open world. City's was too static.

If you take anything an EA rep says seriously...what the hell is wrong with you?

hopefully this means that NIntendo devs will help out SEGA. Generations was cool but, let's face it, it wasn't anything award-worthy. With Nintendo's help, maybe thatll change

i fucking love MiiVerse lol

slow news day? are we really that surprised at the abnormalities of Japanese art? hen again, there's no such thing as an abnormality in something so subjective. So hey, shut up Ass craft

twitch on Xbox: making console owners wish they had a PC instead :)

Regarding the title of this article plus the first two sentences- not funny. like, at all.

when all is said and done, this is a Japanese game in Japan, so to assume they should have the same cultural beliefs as us is just plain naive.

clearly you dont understand "one could argue that" so just because I can see someone else's point automically means that I subscribe to the point? Why dont you calm the hell down lol you're so angry.

as the rise of indie/self-published developers continue, the less and less guys like Activision and EA are needed as publishers. Good riddance! A

I think the misc section isn't needed, but a great addition. All I ask is that you include a good amount of games in every post because, hey, it's a gaming site.