
Ever since reading his defense of EA and their microtransactions/DRM, all while bashing consumers, I've lost respect for him. While the man can sure design games, he knows nothing about the market he sells said games

"thus making others feel embarrassment or discomfort"

a good game is a good game. who gives a crap if there's a 3 at the end. Not my fault Sqeenix can't get their shit together. Do you really want the same people who's given us spinoff garbage to work on the official sequel? I know I don't. As far as I'm concerned, the company needs to be gutted before working on any

Ugh, Ryan McCaffry is IGN's most annoying and probably worst IGN editor there. He needs to stop reviewing all the games I care most about lol

I love the reference, but I think you're right. Aesthetically it seems pretty lame.

translation: Apple has more suckers

someone had a big bowl of Trollios for breakfast. Please get a life.

ironically, Apple is run like China. I'm ashamed that they're a North American business.

this has to be fake. please let this be fake.

and people think shooters turn kids violent and aggressive. Nope - they merely turn them into douchebags.

what about the content that we actually care about - Resident Evil stuff in L4D2. This video just shows me capcom is trying to polish a turd, but the additions to L4D2 would simply make a great game better.

I think this would suit the 3DS much better and would probably sell a lot more copies. With Adventure Time and Cave Story and Mutant Mudds, etc, 3DS is the best spot for those retro-fitted games.

if it weren't for the need for clicks, they would have simply not posted it yet. I agree with this statement. It IS a cop-out.

Sorry to say Stephen, but it seems a little smug and self-righteous to, as EIC of a popular website in a popular medium, post on the front page this piece, and then nonchalantly say "whoa whoa, it's MY opinion!"

three cheers for Kotaku not featuring the moronic and video game industry poisonous Michael Pachter

oh maybe if i copy fads I can get featured here too!

you dont read much news do you. lol

The main functionality i want is full 1:1 control of the head, akin to using the Q and E keys to lean in Dishonored

no more room on vita. would've gladly paid for a 3DS version

it's articles like these that make me take a step back and fill my life with more meaningful things than heavy speculation for something that gets revealed in one day. What's the point? This would have served a much better purpose had it been posted weeks ago.