
every two seconds? i think you skipped the part where i say "DAILY REMINDER" lol u dumb. and wii u sales are great so far. owned twice!

I really really hope that Luke is implying that Counter-Strike is no longer considered a mod. But still, it deserves a place here so people never forget where the greatest competitive shooter came from.

yeah well, that's what happens when you abuse Kickstarter. Kickstarter isn't just some alternative to getting loans from the SBA or finding true know, things responsible businesses do.

nope. you're wrong (as 29 others have pointed out as well). It's not light gun games - it's all games. It's the point that mainstream media makes non-gamers think of said 2001 light gun games as modern video games; it's the disconnect. Read it again, but this time, with open eyes.

there's a lot of screen tearing in the gameplay videos

most of those games with unannounced will probably be on wii u, they just havent announced it yet, much like the date itself. derp. thanks to this guy, i wonder how many misinformed people are convinced that wii u will be getting none of those, as if this is something official lol.

shame on you, Nintendo. this is the 21st fucking century

yeah because people who want to buy a Wii U are really clamoring for last year's Madden. get a grip dude. if you have a new Wii U and you regularly use it to play last year's Madden, you're doing it wrong.

very stupid article

no duh, because this game came out in 2000. READ THE ARTICLE

halo 4


how can a person preorder a wii u and not know that it requires a system update? it's been a daily reminder on sites like IGN and Kotaku.

they didn't change the game enough for the better as I had hoped. It seems like just another ACII expansion.

dumb complaint about the Wii U controller not feeling like an Xbox controller. Dualshocks are on the same plane. And Wii U Pro controller matches the same layout as the GamePad - consistency.

-pick and choose the editors you follow; learn their tastes, writings styles, pros and cons, and work from there


tootsie rolls are one of the most disgusting mainstream treats i've ever had the displeasure of popping into my face


winningest comment of the day