
i dont think there's been enough Dishonored articles today


welp, i guess Sony has to find money somewhere

lol oh wow gonna go cry now. No one even plays this game anymore who cares

triforce is anything but big compared the rest. exaggerate more.

lol OK because you've conducted surveys to get this "A LOT" number. Make more up haha.

it's called FAN art for a reason - it's the fan's interpretation of the game and its applicable t-shirt designs. I don't like carbon copy images of characters or logos on my shirt. I like stuff like this - how many people actually think "Wind Waker" when seeing this shirt? Only the die-hards.

wow...the only thing I love more than Wind Waker is its fan art. Bravo. Ordered two shirts. About the same damn game, but the the average eye, two completely different shirts. I love that subtleness in my video games shirts.

Um compared to what? The fact that Vita doesn't come with a charging dock, or a FUCKING MEMORY CARD? stop kidding yourself.

this alongside Pokemon seems like the best game for a dedicated handheld. I've never been interested in playing the console versions due to how slow and casual the game is, but pulling i out of my pocket for 10-20 min at a time on the go makes this genre seem legit.

Hmmm maybe an extra bit of effort on Kotaku's part to translate? Meh, guess I'll look elsewhere.

Lol...Rob Fahey works for Kotaku. They're just masking it by saying he's a former editor of another site.

except that, to my main point, pokemon is pokemon. all of those IPs have deviated substantially from iteration to iteration. Pokemon is unlike all of those IPs you've just listed. It's like rating an Apple, saying you hate apples, and then reviewing the new Granny Smith.

that's a gross exaggeration. As a reader, it's up to you if the reviewer is worth listening to; via previous reviews, gaming tastes, etc. In that regard, every site has a handful of people I ignore. Here, I skip over anything about Nintendo written by Brian Ashcraft - probably the most childish Nintendo-hater in media.

it does do things differently to a certain extent, far more than any other pokemon sequel compared to its previous iteration. And yes a from-the-ground-up 3DS Pokemon game should allow for some big changes. SHOULD. I think this will be a huge test

oh cool, so you've played it? Because that's what you're implying. And who cares? THAT'S why Kotaku ignores IGN reviews, because they're always written by a biased Audrey Drake? Nope.

I love how IGN gives it a 9.6 but Kotuku refuses to acknowledge them...ever. Bad blood between you guys or what?

those who gave this game poor scores generally don't like Pokemon in the first place. The game has goten better every year, in increments.

well there's such thing as choking in the playoffs, and if anyone were to do it, it'd be the group of rookies, compared to a slew of veterans. common sense. once you get into playoffs, fuck regular season numbers. I mean, you know who the NY Giants are right?

lolimadeumadbro Yanks win this year, sorry bud