
Um, I do. I hate you people who come in the comments and say this - it's not the fucking point! This is directed at the fans, and this is a discussion by the fans. If you don't even like the IP, why are you even here?

"And the reward for their loyalty is to be told the game they want effectively costs them $360 or $410."

haha as soon as I saw the title, I knew Brian wrote it. wake me up when this kid likes something from Nintendo.

why is the framerate SO. BAD.

why cant i find someone who is as gorgeous as you AND plays lots of games? SEND A FRIEND! :P

also - that youtube video at the forefront? Major spoilers - had to stop as soon as I saw ____ light ____ on fire.

The best modern series, in order from best to least-best:

i like BB, but there are SO many that are better. I think BB is entirely overrated.

troll more

yup. YouTube. These people only exist for the ignorant baby boomers and elderly. so, you're asking the wrong crowd.

Q: does it matter?

That controller looks confusing! Why does Nintendo have to make everything so complicated?!

to me, the difference is extremely clear, from the sharpness of colors/outlines to the animations and frames per second. I noticed it the very first time watching it - didn't have to squint or try very hard.

poor poor F1 lol

do these 'shops seem...lazier than usual?

I'm surprised and saddened at the lack of Darksiders 2 deals - yes, I check CAG every day too. Once this "fall of gaming" begins with Borderlands 2, Darksiders 2 will be way too far in my rear view mirror to look back.

you should see what most first party Nintendo Wii games are still selling for.

Even after the Wii U sells out of pre-orders, Pachter still opens his mouth. Go away. You're the weatherman of gaming (terrible right-to-wrong ratio. so, a BAD weatherman)

First, why are there so many people commenting on the quality of the game? If you didn't like the first, then this has nothing to do with you, fucking trolls. Stick to the subject at hand.