
I disagreed with the intensity of your hostility to Mayor Pete (he’s not one of my top three candidates, but I feel like he has a valuable role to play in the future of the Democratic party and would rather avoid the classic progressive tendency to throw stones at every Democrat who exists.)

The obvious match for Belichick is Dick Cheney. Similar monotone speech patterns, similar antipathy for the media, similar deviousness and propensity to bend rules until they snap in two. Brady is then perfect for Dubya — the “Aw, shucks!” face for the soulless regime.

(...I’m typing this as both a Democrat and a Pats

I’m always surprised with how these kinds of progressive hit pieces on Democrats end up making me *like* the Democrat in question more after reading them, as if my driving motivation is basic empathy towards like-minded people when they get the stuffing knocked out of them by Internet ‘tough folks’ with axes to grind.

Personally, I feel you vastly underestimate the popularity of gaming as a hobby in 2019.

...Looks like I’m going to have to boycott the DLC unless Ubisoft changes it in a patch or something.

On the one hand, Trails of Cold Steel was a great experience and I wouldn’t mind playing through it again just to hear Rean get a full slate of voiced lines (as I *think* new voiced lines for Rean is all that’s been added here?)

That village theme (which has already enjoyed a gorgeous orchestral remaster in a release called Myth) at the very beginning of Xenogears is my favorite Yasunori Mitsuda track from the game, and also my favorite village theme in any RPG.

I look forward to reading Deadspin’s inevitable article covering ESPN’s hit piece on the Patriots tomorrow, which will in no way read as biased, sensationalist or like a simmering manifestation of barely disguised jealousy!

Yes; that’s why I said the NFL got all three decisions right.

I’m going to try the impossible and defend *all three* of the NFL’s decisions here:

Had John reciprocated Jenna’s feelings, even with qualifiers indicating those feelings were limited to their time as fictional characters on the show, the same people who are infuriated with John for ‘hurting Jenna’ would be infuriated with John for hurting Emily Blunt. Talk about a no-win situation for the poor guy.

The irony of both the “Jim sucks” and the “Dwight sucks” takes is that both Jim and Dwight needed each other to make each other better people. Dwight doesn’t become the infinitely better, less misogynistic and creepy, more tolerable version of himself in the series finale without Jim (and Pam’s) influence, and Jim

As someone who genuinely spent an atrocious amount of time in the year 2000 debating Cloud and Tifa shippers (yuck!) on Final Fantasy VII forums, you have no idea how happy I am to hear — ***seventeen years later!*** — that the Japanese version of this game favored my preferred pairing for Cloud.

Nope, my version of a ‘campfire scene’ took place after the entire party got together (after Cid joins) and, if anything, it seemed to borrow elements from a scene that actually occurs at the Haunted Hotel at the Gold Saucer. (In my imagination, Tifa consoled Red XIII when he freaks out over being a victim of Hojo’s

Your excellent interpretation of FFVII’s greatness-through-imagination actually reminds me my recent replay of FFVII on the PS4, and how I was shocked to discover that my fondest memory of a campfire scene that I remembered from the game...never actually appeared in the game. FFVII enabled my imagination to fill in a

Makoto’s ranking here is accurate.

Indeed, Luke; Makoto Niijima is the best.

I don’t even know if she’d identify as a Democrat, but regardless I’d be so excited if Sally Yates announced candidacy for President in 2020 (and no, I don’t suspect that’s on the radar of her present ambitions.)

I don’t even know if she’d identify as a Democrat, but regardless I’d be so excited if Sally Yates announced candidacy for President in 2020 (and no, I don’t suspect that’s on the radar of her present ambitions.)

Let’s never forget that entitled southern slaveowners *started* the war because they refused to give Abraham Lincoln even a month in office because Lincoln made a few public comments to the effect of “Slavery is kinda sorta awful and we shouldn’t keep expanding it to new states out west,” how dare he