
Wow! Considering how long she was on top of that dragon, how cold it was, how hard she had to fight and hold on and how tiny she is. Had the Night King been vulnerable to Dragon Fire, she would have been the one to end the battle. As it was she kept the whole of Winterfell from being wiped out completely.

I feel like a lot of people need to reasses their display settings, my home theater rig consists of a cheap Insignia TV and a first gen FireTV stick, and I could see just fine.

It was such a waste of build-up to never have Bran warg into a Dragon, if only to give us the same birds-eye view.

I kind of wish he had a super heavy Minnesotan accent, and I also kind of wish when he killed Theon he would have looked right at the camera and had asked: “Cold enough for ya?”.

The Night King doesn’t feel like a villain.  He’s more like a natural disaster, or Godzilla.  I like that he didn’t start explaining himself in a pleasant baritone.

And before we knew it, Nathaniel walked into our hearts and became a season regular. (And by season regular, I mean he eats bran in the Spring.)

That shot of them just casually hanging out while she works is magical.

Fine. I’ll make a Kinja account. I used to have an account back in the Disqus days, but never bothered to make a new one, until now, because I have to share this moment with some people, celebrating one of my favorite shows - and some of my favorite reviews of said show.

Series finales are so rarely what I want them to be and so I had been trying to keep my expectations in check, even though I knew they had a four-year plan they stuck to, which seemed promising. Here, I wanted very conflicting things. I wanted Rebecca to be reasonably healthy and happy and figuring things out for herse

It was also hilarious that Bert and Darryl (aka, Papa and Daddy) were there to support him when he quit ‘half-assing cases at a no-name firm’.

Hooray for Nathaniel seeing a man about a monkey. It was also hilarious that Bert and Darryl (aka, Papa and Daddy) were there to support him when he quit  ‘half-assing cases at a no-name firm’.

Thanks for your recaps Allison! This show has meant a lot to me over the past few years. As season one was airing, I picked up my whole life and relocated across the country chasing something I thought would make me happy. I spent the next year struggling desperately to make it work and to convince myself I hadn’t

I was at the Saturday taping. The program looks like a true mixture of both nights. The opening number and some of the others were performed in full but cut down for time. Her parents were truly delightful. She did preform Heavy Boobs but mentioned it might not make the final program. The best moment was Rachel

I totally agree re: being open to love at the end. Even with Father Brah and AJ. 

Paula being able to see the fantasy stage was perfect. I legit started tearing up. It’s a show not just about the importance of understanding yourself, but of being understood by the people around you. Rebecca slowly learns how to do that for others, and is rewarded by that being reciprocated in the most grandious way

Yeah this was just very sweet, very open and very nice to have. Like one thing I was worried about was, it was clear that no one of the three guys were going to be “the one Rebecca ends up with”, but at the same time they’d already done “Rebecca has to learn to be on her own”, and people who have mental illness can

Great run for both Bloom and you Alison. I hope the entire cast gets all the best movie and stage roles next.

Oh Nathaniel. Still a Plimpton IV.
Water Polo?
And this is what middle-class people do?

I should clarify, I’m still team Nathaniel though. I think both Rebecca and Greg are prone to go to dark places, adn when they go there at the same time, they get dangerously self-destructive and it could end up bad. I feel like her relationship with Nathaniel is the healthiest one. Nathaniel’s issues seem to be more

So, even though I was betting on either Nathaniel or no one, I think we all have to agree that Greg nailed this, because waiting together and bantering about takeout is 90% of every modern relationship.