
I’m loving the score. Heart Shaped Box was always a mournful song, but the instrumental trades in angst for forlonging.

It’s offensive to some, not all. A big mistake is to generalize all Natives as a monolith. Native/Indian encompasses people from over 500 cultures and nations who share some similar experiences.

Man, remember when we used to teach kids how to read maps back in elementary school and shit?

Which in and of itself was a commentary on how TV and movies have had so little care about authenticity when portraying Native Americans over the last century.

The whole plot really resonated in with Native American history in some moments. The people that just disappear, the kidnapping and reprogramming, when his pain feels selfish because the pain is so much greater than an individual and connects an entire people. Getting a good actor and getting the language right really

It does crack me up when they do these big establishing shots of SW landscapes, but then when they switch to the characters they’re clearly shooting in SoCal

Well, they seem to be loosely modeled after Lakota, Shoshone, Navajo and Apache in various ways, though much of the clothing seems of a Shoshone style... it’s actually kind of appropriate that it’s a seeming amalgamation given the ‘generic indian’ they are trying to use for the parks purposes... a kind of

“I wanted to help you. I wanted to warn you. But in this world, it’s easy to misunderstand intentions.”

Lakota, even though Ghost Nation is obviously a made up tribe and not at all similar to actual Lakota.

Westworld security is terrible - Maeve took a similar wander last season - but I guess it’s just because they don’t know that hosts can do this?

I am a geography major and love the SW especially S. Utah where a lot of Westworld’s sweeping shots are done. They film a bunch near the Moab area in Castle Valley. Tonight, some of that was down by Kanab, UT. The dune area is probably Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park. Southern Utah is incredibly beautiful. Also

Last year episode 6 gave us Maeve in one of the most wrenching moments in WestWorld, her walk through the facility with Felix.

I will watch Oceans 11 and Oceans 13 every single time I see them on cable. I love heist movies, I enjoy Vegas, and sometimes i just like to watch A-list movie stars be A-list movie stars. Which is why I do not enjoy Oceans 12. And this sounds more like Oceans 12, which is hugely disappointing but ultimately not

Do you realize that Dolores is acting the way she does because she endured being raped and tortured by humans (along with everyone she cared for) for decades, right? Like, that’s usually a good reason enough to fuel a violent vengeance narrative, don’t you think? Maybe this season should remind us of this point of

Some on Reddit pointed out there’s a giveaway to the Cradle scenes: the aspect ratio changes (a very Nolanesque thing)

I think we’ve seen it enough to trust it as an indicator that the scene is taking place in a virtual setting.

Ford is Dolores.

Important but not mentioned, William confuses who between his wife and daughter were afraid of elephants. Simple old age, disease or a sign of imperfect Fidelity?

The device we see him printing out in his memory is - Ford. He even says “I brought something here” just prior to the flashback.

I also liked when ER was huge you’d get the 11pm news having a story about something in the show (whichever medical issue was featured.)