
Here here! I’ve loved the first two episodes, and these have been some of my favorite books since The Golden Compass came out in the US when I was in the 7th grade. I’m so relieved the portrayal of Mrs Coulter is so nuanced and infinitely better than Nicole Kidman. I love the casting so far.

I also feel confused. He clearly knew he was getting set up, a hand came flying in a window and he knew Jessica was outside. Why on earth would he lead them directly to his body dump unless he though he could actually kill Jessica there? It makes zero sense. 

It made me ugly cry. 

“Every relationship has secrets... he has no idea half the yarn I buy” ... dying. The delivery, the fact that I’m knitting while watching this... dying. So good.

I guess “magic” is as good an explanation as any.

Well this is incredibly negative! I LOVE this movie. I love the dark, weird kids movies of my childhood of the ‘80s. Sci-fi, tripy, complex stuff. Give kids some credit for being able to appreciate this kind of thing.

Thank you! My friend and and I were yelling at this. Why would I it still shoot fire? Who cares that it’s blue? Wouldn’t it shoot ice? I want answers.

Ok, but, what the heck does a zombie dragon breathe? Was it fire? Isn’t that problematic since fire is one of the things tha kills zombies? Is it a really strong flame shaped stream of ice? Magic fire like stuff?I NEED to know.  

I couldn't find any comments below reliving the climax of the Cordelia-Wesley flirtation! They were building the tension there for so long, that horrible kiss was such a hilarious outcome. I remember laughing so hard and being very confused when it first aired. It all felt even longer because of the delay of the

Writing from the future in 2017, I'm pleased to report 90s fashion is back in.


Posting from the future, re-watching Buffy for the… I don't know… many-eth time. Originally watched new, week-to-week, as a peer age-wise to the scooby gang. 3rd season has long been my favorite overall. The puns & one-liners are at an all time high, and the germaphobic mayor is my favorite big bad.
1) How dare

Today, I saw a blue Prius that had 5 or 6 pictures of Nicholas cage seemingly decopaged on it. Unexplained.

Hell yeah!


seems like a good post-apocalyptic skill.

ahh! I finally, finally, just watched Deadwood for the first time and now every other show just pales in comparison.

I yelled at the TV, "that was NOT NICE, Abraham."

Me too!!!

Angel s4
Writing from the future here, and nobody's gonna read this, but I'm finally rewatching Angel for the first time since it first aired (have rewatched Buffy many a times) and I remember now why even though Angel is fantastic I haven't revisited it - Connor. Seriously, I hated him 15 years ago, hated Connor/Cordy