
From way, way in the future here, just watched Deadwood for the first time on HBO Now and am so glad I did. I'm also glad there was a place for me to debrief the episodes even if it was long after everyone else had processed them :) I knew I was in for a new favorite show from the first moments of the first episode.

I'm finally discovering Deadwood, so "does this hat make me look fat?" is fresh in my list of classic lines.

Also managed to avoid the words "stuff" and "things." That scene is already a meme anyway, though.

I remember November 23, 1999, I was 17 and I cried a lot. Rewatching Angel after many years, glad to find it on AV club!

F*cking Andrea.

This is going way, way, back, but it was my first experience having a show ruined by a character and it traumatized me for life. In high school, I absolutely fell in love with the show Roswell, and the introduction of the character Tess 1000% ruined my entire love affair with the show. So much so that I hated Lost

All of us commenting on this thread should form a support group. I had such a huge epiphany when I casually picked up a copy of “understanding the borderline mother” in college while babysitting for a pscyh doctoral student’s kid, and though it brought understanding I still constantly struggle with what to do.

Thank you. I’m in the “hard to explain to other people so I usually just end up feeling like a bad person” category and it sucks. It’s nice to feel not so alone. I hate Mother’s Day.