
likely a combination of methane gas from the decomposing beast and oxygen since the Night King could will it to inhale that would explain why the flames it was exhaling were blue

Well, regular dragons breathe regular fire.

“Ice” is just low temperature, as an elemental force compared to fire. It wouldn’t shoot frost or literally “ice”. It shoots bluish magic stuff which looks a bit like fire in any case. Debating about its melting capabilities is then just a minor controversy.

I saw this when I was 5, my dad having found it at the video store and noting only that it was a cartoon with cute animals. It was definitely terrifyingly memorable, including all the scenes you mentioned. I remember deep, almost existential fear, just from the disregard that the humans (and cats) showed for the

Also also, no mention of Qyburn picking up the zombie hand and just watching it? He would.

Why in the holy hell would an undead ice dragon shoot fire? That is one of the stupidest things I have ever seen.

- Bran didn’t tell his beloved sisters about Jon, but he told Bedpan Sam? k dude.

The one Darla calls Liam "magnificent" to? Oh god, I totally did not recognize her.

Agreed. Who Are You is a blast. Also, Faith was really menacing in TYG, right up there with bad Angel.

Once Again—
A film I very much want to talk about is discussed during a period when I have no computer access…

unless i'm mistaken
the blanket thing is just Nausea for beginners, and i always thought the movie was just one big commentary or study of different existentialist theories as applied to real people, like the husband and wife were more or less Sartre, mark wahlburg was more of a humanist along the lines of camus and

This is unreservedly my favorite film.

I heart this movie
This probably is my favourite movie of all time, and that's saying quite a lot, considering how reluctant I am to pick "favourites."
Also, has any one pointed out that it's CHICKEN-salad that Shania's hates, not TUNA salad as the author writes? (I'm sorry - I didn't feel like reading all 400+

"Have you ever transcended space and time?"

"I can't go back in there. It's all hating faces that I have to chop up with a machete! "

Quote list…
This is a very quotable movie whether you love it or hate it… i'll start with my favorite.

Second Viewing Film
Watched it once, had recently seen What the Bleep We Know? with a host of young people who thought that was great, which was exasperating. Stood outside the theatre and told my friend, "At least it was better than What the Bleep Do We Know?"

Good film
Before I saw the film I expected it to be densely packed with philosophy and sprinkled with humour, so I was rather surprised (pleasantly so, I think) when I first watched it and found the inverse to be true.

Huckabees / Olives
I feel the same way about people who hate Huckabees as people who hate olives. I understand, on an intellectual level, how olives have a strong flavor which is maybe not to be expected to please every palate. Still, I can't help but think less of such people.