Wrapped up SMB: Lost Levels and the first Mega Man before realising there is a Mega Man compilation out in Japan for 3DS.
Wrapped up SMB: Lost Levels and the first Mega Man before realising there is a Mega Man compilation out in Japan for 3DS.
What do you think of Wario Land II? I wrapped up the original a few weeks ago and enjoyed it thoroughly, but the sequel seems to change things up a fair bit.
Fantastic article! I finished Lost Levels and SMB2 (Super Mario USA) the other day and I'm in total agreement; the latter is far more influential (I never caught the roles of those four characters vs SMB 3D World until now).
I say this without a hint of sarcasm that those wizards are absolutely the highlight of the game, for better or worse.
I should add that the most memorable thing about Command, for better and worse, is the branching storyline where the decisions you make don't decide the outcome of the galaxy but whether or not Fox gets cuckolded by a variety of characters in relation to his girlfriend Crystal.
I've finished three out of nine endings of Star Fox Command, and I think I'll stop there. It's a beguiling entry in a beguiling series that seems to split cleanly into two: one strand, a continually refining remake (reimagining?) of the original SNES shump (star fox, 64, zero) and the other a mix of genre-spanning…
I didn't know about that slight lag, but it's very interesting as I'm currently using Aerial style (styles are a new thing in this game) that enables you to do a small jump and propel yourself off a monster into the air for a jump attack.
20 hours into Monster Hunter Cross, which I'd arguably call Monster Hunter 4.25. So far, as an arguably casual player (casual being 60 hours a piece in Tri and 4) I can't say there's that much different. More monsters, more weapons, more cats.
I'm still recovering from the aneurysm induced by 'New 3DS only.'
I will say, I played the first half of Triforce Heroes in the same room with my sister and the latter half with her in Australia and myself in Japan. Exponential spike in difficult aside, the fun factor of that latter half dropped dramatically.
Ah, it was a terrible explanation sorry. I should say I intend to play some entries, just not all entries in the series like I am attempting with Super Mario, Zelda, Metroid etc.
It's really saddening, because Nintendo seems to take it to heart. Iwata supposedly apologized for Federation Force, as if such a thing needed to happen in the first place.
After working my way through some NES and GB games on the 3DS' Virtual Console, I've decided to get my priorities straight as only a man in his mid 20s with a child can: by making a plan to complete every game in the majority of Nintendo franchises.
Yeah, the part that moved me was actually with the Grandma swinging the wii remote. Although my own grandmother never played the Wii, she must've played through Spyro the Dragon 20 times over when I was a lad, and sharing that experience made me, and still makes me, so happy. It's so lovely to hear that Iwata was…
This is a fantastic comment. This progression also reminds me of one of my favourite, small touches of Resident Evil 4: the credits. Of course the game evolves (and by some miracle, smoothly) from extreme horror into extreme action cheese over the course of the three acts you mentioned, to the point where you are…
I think it's even more egregious than that comic makes out to be. Ringabel gets his memory back, realises Airy's gonna kill everyone, they go to the old man without Airy, he tells them shit is up, and flat out tells them don't be afraid to disobey. Then for some reason this is all swept under the carpet, they release…
I think I'm the only person that loved the tutorial stuff. I loved how understated the whole game began, with that peaceful pond conversation between Link and the elder villager. I don't think the game entirely delivered on the story front, but the melancholy (and not just the Billy Corgan teenager variety) was…
I think the Pirate Ship in Skyward Sword sort of qualifies, though all of Hyrule in that game was basically converted into a dungeon.
Mild spoilers, but there was also a party chat late in the game called 'Ittadakimasu' or 'Thanks for the Eats' that made my blood boil. In it, Agnes confesses that she began eating meat after being vegetarian due to religion, because rations were low and because Ringabel says 'it's rude to refuse food that's been…
I played through the game in Japanese, and my Japanese is horrendous, but I swear nothing made sense. Is the theme of the game 'don't follow others blindly'? Because Edea stops following her Father because he seems like a genocidal maniac (which is true), but then later the game slaps her in the face going 'haha no he…