kirk corndeg

Just polished off the third island of Pokemon Moon. Pokemon for me is about the Pokemon, their evolutions and sightseeing through GameFreak's delightfully twisted (but lovably sterilised) lens on real world locations. Sun and Moon aren't really doing it for me; I think the island format leaves nothing to the

Big lurker here too but just want to echo this statement. The only place I come to for gaming discussion is here. It's so refreshing, intelligent and always thought provoking. I almost feel (in a positive sense) that I have to up my writing and thinking game to keep up with the quality of discussion. A big thanks to

Consumed by Splatoon 2. I've polished off half the singleplayer, which has been impressive as they say (though part of me does believe it's simply because it's more than serviceable, which cannot be applied to most tacked on singleplayer campaigns) and charged with a screaming volley of bombs up to A- in Tower

I want to! The motion controls seem so responsive in all the other Switch games I've played.
Salmon Run is fantastic by the way - It's possible that I might even like it more than the core multiplayer itself.

I'll try and make a larger post next week, but while previously gaming had been my outlet for stress I did find that games nowadays, chock full of achievements and 200 hour consuming collectible laden mega maps (the early 90s were collectible central but I felt, DK64 aside, it was manageable and even carthatic) were

I already gave up on the tilt controls, but maybe I should try again? I don't know, when I panic in a game I instinctively move the controller without thinking and it got me into some bad spots.

Not so much for Turf War but I've found this strategy really useful for Tower Control, where people don't concentrate at all on flanking maneouvers. I've been using the Charger (sniper rifle?) to quickly make a beeline around the frontlines and hit 'em where it hurts. As you said, it at least draws their attention,

I love all this advice thank you! For Turf War I've settled into a similar strategy to what you said. I use the Aerospray MG (it's even more thorough than the Splat Roller for covering a lane) to charge into the fray, hit the center and spam curlers in all directions, then pull back when I can to mop up any spaces my


I would honestly argue that's being too charitable, considering how 95% of war related media seems to be set on or following D-Day.

I feel your pain. There was so much guesswork in Crash (and Spyro to an extent) that as you said just furthers the mastery of the design of something like Mario.

I'm convinced that Road to Nowhere planted the seeds for my anxiety issues as an adult.

It saddens me that Insomniac has seemingly fallen from grace. The Spyro trilogy was at once beautiful, inventive, enchanting and hilarious. I particularly loved the second game with all the mini stories crafted within each realm (one example: 'idols that the workmen sculpted have suddenly come to life and are causing

Yeah my memory failed me for a bit there, but if I recall the organ sucking was rather… efficient. I have nothing against flesh eating scarabs mind, but the thought of one scarab nibbling away at your frontal lobe as an entree after literally crawling under your skin was just a very unpleasant vision for me.

The first Mummy is such great fun. Great mix of tension and horror and adventure. As a child it absolutely terrified and thrilled me in equal measure.

I think this might be the first competently done seduction and sex scene in the history of gaming.

Even having read practically everyone gush about the story before going in, I'm still being pleasantly surprised almost every minute.

I've played both Skyrim and Fallout New Vegas which I think both did a better job for at least setting the stage. I love the way Skyrim guided you from castle to cave to that wonderful hill that snaked into the first small town and then after a quest or two opening up over the plains of Whiterun all the while giving

Fallout 4 continues to hold my attention as I continue to hate every minute of it. What a horrific addicting curse these open world games have. I cleared out the Corvega plant and one thing that really sticks with me, I suppose, about this Fallout, is how poorly built the world is. There's a whole fucking battalion of

I feel it. I did love New Vegas and I must admit I love the new coat of paint but that's really all it is.