kirk corndeg

Fallout 4 is like an - ah, it's a, how do I say, it's an eh. Out of the seven hours I've played I think roughly three of those consisted of pointing my cursor over scenery picking up bourbon and meds and other items and then of course sorting them out in the horrendous pipboy UI. I thought Skyrim would have taught

Having - after perhaps three hours and two restarts - created a character I'm pleased with, it's finally off into the Commonwealth in Fallout 4. Except not really, because the main story has tried to bait me with this whole lost child thing and I'm not buying it for a second. I'm a father myself, and believe me my

Well, not explicitly:

I always thought Akihabara would be my favourite place in Tokyo but god it's such an obnoxious, tacky place that smells like decades of built up body sweat and ramen oil.

I remember some American talk show host eating vegemite with a tablespoon and I could only scream at my television in anguish.

Vegemite and Weet-Bix (not together) make for some mighty fine breakfasts. Much as I adore Japanese cuisine it's sorely, sorely lacking the myriad wonders of breakfast.

College would have sold it much better yes.

I totally agree. The Millenial Scooby Dooing would be perfectly fine by me but it's intertwined by rather unsettling moments like visions of people committing suicide. There's a tonal dissonance that permeates everything from dialogue to art design and it bothered me endlessly.

Finished Oxenfree. Gee willikers, I'm surprised at just how much I disliked this game. The dialogue (god bless you, Adam Hines, you tried) reaches for adolescent authenticity but stops just short, in what I would call the uncanny valley of trying to emulate teenage conversation. It's close enough to real teenage talk

Time has ravaged the game but with the right assortment of mods it gorily shines. I'd absolutely recommend getting some kind of weapon sound mod at least.

Doom 3 - D44M is unquestionably a better game, but I wonder if it will remain as memorable for me as its series bastard child. While D44M may poster with its tired ‘self-aware’ (but still shit, still stupid) B-movie story and atmosphere, it’s merely dressing for what is an incredibly smart game. Doom 3 on the other

You mentioned it in the title and significantly addressed in it almost every paragraph of the review yet I'm still of the opinion more could be said about how god damn slow this show is. I honestly have no idea, especially in the realm of painstaking, time consuming animation, how anyone didn't protest and say 'I

haven't touched the multiplayer yet sorry! though a few reviews seemed pretty lukewarm on it

Bought Doom and Fallout 4 on a gluttonous whim from the recent glut of autumn sales.

Here in Japan the marketing blitzkrieg for this has been intense. Combined it with the momentum of Pokemon Go I would be utterly shocked if these games don't demolish sales records domestically alone. Either way I'm super pumped! First generation to play with my 2 year old.

I haven't finished New Vegas. I finished almost everything in the main game and with my new PC I can't get my saves to work so I can start on the DLC.

I continue my odyssey through modern PC gaming this week. After blowing off Soma, Battlefield 4 and DA:I in their opening hours I settled into Shadow of Morder if only because the opening tutorial was at least competently done.

Even though Origins and Inquisition haven't done it for me, DA2 does appeal to me in the same way say, Majora's Mask does.

I just assembled a monster computer (I call him Gamblor) for both video editing and teraflopping worlds. Deciding I needed to christen it with 144hz 500fps high end video gaming, I subscribed to EA's surprisingly generous Access program and downloaded Battlefield 4 and Dragon Age: Inquisition.

I think that's a really apt way of looking at it. I think I'm fairly bad at analogies and examples this evening (sorry), but almost everything on the Wii U and 3DS feels like a full stop at the end of a sentence for many of the franchises.