kirk corndeg

Just finished Bravely Default after letting the latter half languish for six months. Metroid (NES) and Pokemon Blue are next in line at the guillotine. All, including my daily life, will soon cower as I start Monster Hunter X (Cross/Generations) on the weekend.

Nintendo Direct has announced SNES games for.. New 3DS only. I actually yelled a big old fuck at the screen during the stream. I hope you heard it over in Kyoto Nintendo, you wankers.

Regarding a more expressive world, I hope the success of Yokai Watch has scared Game Freak a bit. Though I have my qualms with the game (see my comment on the gratification article), Yokai Watch's world is beautifully detailed and realised and runs like a dream on the 3DS. Here's hoping Game Freak's artists bring

Fantastic article, and it highlights for me the fundamental failing of Pokemon's main competitor, Level 5's Yokai Watch. The second entry is sure enough, gorgeous, content rich and has a cinematic story to boot, but the art of befriending and levelling the ghosts is such a horrific slog in comparison to Pokemon's well

Oh that's not so harsh. I'll also look into Kirby! Despite being my favourite character in Smash Bros Melee I never actually played a game starring him.

Respect. I mean my greatest achievement as a lad was besting the original Rayman, and that had (limited) saves. I think the biggest hurdle is the god damn length of SMB3, I swear my total was about 5 or 6 hours. Even as a kid I'd be pushing to sit in front of the TV for that long.

Thanks! I only ever had a MegaDrive and I had no idea what I played other than Sonic. Could be fun!

Ah, I do have Link Between Worlds, thanks! I'm guessing Birthright is the White Version here. I guess I have to buy both versions plus the.. DLC? to experience the whole thing? If Birthright is easier it's probably for the best, I'm using these as Japanese practice first and foremost.

Yeah 3D Land is tempting the hell out of me, I need something a bit relaxing and easy to pick up and play. Mario Kart… never really stuck with me on portables, it was always a gather round the TV with friends, weed and pizza kind of deal.

I just finished Super Mario Bros and Super Mario Bros 3 (the latter for the first time!). I'm bad at platforming, but wow, even with save scumming (not during the levels) SMB3 had me sweating in frustration. I can't imagine finishing it without the option to save. I'm now going to clear up Bravely Default and move

I don't know, I think OoT scrapes a pass from me regarding racist accusations. My thinking was that the design team was just overdosing on Arabian Nights/Aladdin regarding the thief stuff/aesthetics, and considering that Nabooru actually ends up helping the hero/hating on Ganon in the end it didn't really irk me so

not best boss but best boss music

Hyrule Warriors 3DS Spoilers?

THIS IS MY WEEK. Huge fan here. Last year I attempted to replay every Zelda from the first to the last (had a newborn baby, couldn't leave the house). Burnt out around the Wind Waker.

Absolutely. Of course I recall the explosive images flashing on the screen, but what is equally clear and unnerving for me is waking up to watch some cartoons and get ready for school as usual yet finding my mother sitting in the living room motionless, near expressionless at a parade of confused newscasters and chaos

Hey now, let's not bag on all tree-induced horror. That part in Lovecraft's The Colour Out of Space where the trees all start swaying violently was creepy as fuck.

the brazilian birthday party scene still sends shivers - not so much for the the shitty cgi reveal itself - but the panicked lead-up (that itself was the climax of an hour of tense build up).

Though the 4KUHD1200hz crowd may sneer and complain about it today, I always found the letterboxing of Resident Evil 4 on the Gamecube, as well as Leon's Rule of Thirds-esque following position on the screen, to send the cinematic immersion factor up immensely. I can't remember if it was a technical or artistic

I know! The gesture-based thing is something that I would be in favour of (had there been Thank You/Sorry buttons) if only because of that language bridging ability. What a waste.

Triforce Heroes. My sister and I are enjoying it, but by jove, if there is a game that more succinctly summarizes modern day Nintendo's follies I have not heard of it. Here is an often fun, sometimes great game absolutely torpedoed by Nintendo's idiotic sensibilities; region locking, lack of online lobbies, lack of