kirk corndeg

Tokyo resident here. Believe me, the worst news of this entire saga is that a company is investing more millions into fucking pachinko. Light and noise polluting, chronic gambler producing, monolithic eyesores present even in some of the most quiet backwater towns.

I haven't played Undertale, and thus have avoided the above due to spoilers, but I always thought Dark Souls was the best RPG in terms of morality plays. Everybody is going through this purgatory. You want to invade their lives and make it miserable? Nothing's stopping you but your own guilt and their blade. Want to

I don't know how to reply to everyone but thanks for the responses! I'll go for the err… 'true'? 'long'? ending? See how it goes.

But thanks that sounds entirely bearable. I do have to level my peeps a bit though, they're only level 60-odd.


Ah yes, I accidentally stumbled upon that but I still wonder if the legitimate route is worth enduring for… I don't know, character development or something.

Put this in another thread, but I'm wondering right now whether to proceed with Bravely Default. I got up to… Chapter 5 I think, and most who have played it presumably know exactly why I stopped there. Of course I heard the unrest before I even began the game, but I'm still shocked as to how horrific this padding is.

I actually looked up how far and I got and it seems I just got back from finishing Chapter 3 of… 9? God I thought I spent way more time with it. Should probably work on returning to it one day.

I did what any great humanist in history would do, and installed a mod that allowed me to do both.

Sorry for the late reply. By bugs I mean OS unrelated bugs and crashes that are just part and parcel with running a game like Fallout/Skyrim/etc. I think there are two mods (NVAC and.. something) that are available on a site called Nexus Mods that apparently do a great job of improving stability and crushing bugs. If

Sorry to double post, but I just remembered one of the story points that redeemed the writing.

I heard about some cool Ghoul related stuff (i love the trashy B-movie quests/locales almost more than anything) but yeah I'm not even sure if East Coast America really appeals to me in the same way that the Mojave desert does. There's some weird poetic nerve that this game strikes that elevates it above a simple

I happen to be, with a boat ton of mods. No issues aside from the bugs I copped on Windows 7/8.

So I hear. I guess the weird thing for me is I care about the world, and I somehow care about the people within it, but listening to exposition babble is just exhausting. I guess that's more a fault of the Bestheda RPG system more than the writing itself, but I find myself more invested in the audio logged characters

I honestly haven't finished the game, but if I recall correctly simply alerting guards raised my chaos level? That irked me something fierce.

Yeah, I came back to New Vegas after putting 10 or so hours in, and then another 30 or so in quick succession. It's my first Fallout game and I quite like it, though the writing alternates between awful, somewhat intellectual but boring as hell, and then the rare 'pretty good for a video game'. It's probably the first

I don't have a Wii U and am crying now (especially because this has been making the rounds here in Japan for ages now).

hey guys, plea for help here. (skip to bottom of rant for tl;dr summary)