
I disagree with the “step back” comment. I thought Black Armory was kind of sleazy. Gave you maybe an hour of new content that was locked behind a completely pointless grind of “run around and kill these specific enemies because we need this to take far longer than it is” and that was really annoying. Plus to eget to

You don’t remember correctly.

You’re incorrect. There are limits and quotas for every year in every school. Even though YOU think they can just “add one more,” that’s not how it works. Stop asserting that this is a victimless crime. It DOES take slots away from people who deserve it, and it perpetuates money-based access to brand name education,

I know we all enjoy playing our Switches in handheld mode”

OK, let me know if this ever actually pays off, because if potential meant anything, Destiny would be the greatest game of the generation.

I’ve gotten pretty burned out on Destiny’s continuing “potential.” After 5? Years feeling like its “almost there” it’s hard to have much hope for the future. The game, in so many parts, has been this constant one step forward one step back cycle. And it’s hard to care anymore.

This is stunning. Just absolutely stunning.

I’ve been to both Arizona and D.C. during summer. That dry heat thing is bullshit my dude, the heat in Phoenix is every bit as cloying, incessant, and inescapable as it is in someplace awful like Orlando. During the day, the huge sprawl of concrete just absorbs a shitload of heat from the sun. Everything is painted

If you ain’t having fun, you ain’t having fun. No point at trying to keep going on justification of: “Hey I paid a lot of money for this game” for yourself. Just stop and do things with your time that you enjoy.

To take it to the next level, it’s OK to stop playing these “Live Services” games altogether.

Anyone else remember how they used those phony voiceovers of people talking to one another while playing the game during the E3 reveal? It was at that point I knew that EA’s games as service was going to fail.

Kept getting downvoted for saying that we are actually beta testing the game for them.

<insert generic comment accusing you of not even playing the game and how this game is perfect and polished works fine for me so it must be your system. Also all the reviews and criticisms are fake>

Anthem - Another successor in the Destiny line of bland, uninspiring MMOs for the most casual of MMO gamers who have ridiculously low standards because MMOs aren’t prevalent on consoles.

“It isn’t anything new, but I really wish there was a game that broke this mold: preserving a a sense of value with regard to your progression when new content comes out.” 

Thanks a lot for the gracious offer! As it happens though, I’m in Europe, and I believe game servers are divided geographically...?

I think it was the start of year two for Destiny 1 that they nerfed the max level gear I had (along with everyone else who played before then) to being less powerful than the gear a new player started with. Nice way to reward the players that bought the game early and put the most time into it.

Right behind the toxic hell that was Eververse (which is why I will never buy another part of the Destiny universe, even though I played D1 from beta). Is my mixed feelings about how fast they’re taking people through all the old content; the new content is inaccessible unless you’re leveled and it just seems lazy to

I think the big caveat is that this expansion is PvP based, so it requires people moving up in power together. But I agree... I basically missed out entirely on the Forge stuff (it just seemed like “more of the same”), and now I’m probably gonna sail passed all of those who put in a TON of “work”. I mean, remember

Now playing

If they do eventually tear down this building (hey Josh, maybe you could do a little...exploring there :)), then clearly the honor should go to...