
I read it more as “if you jerk off to this video instead of viewing itand considering it in an adult and thoughtful way, you’re a rapist”

Did you work for Grace Ormonde? Talk about unrealistic standards

Its just a fancy term for a grouping of smaller vase arrangements, usually. Its trendy now to do 3 small vase arrangements with votives, or a collection of old bottles with a few stems. If youre a baller, and want to spend a fortune you can do a multi layered “tablescape” with several different heights of glassware.

As a highend floral designer Ive had to make lots of mildly ridiculous things. This donkey crown tho, man Ive got a bad feeling Ive got a lot of these to make in the near future. Beats floral dog collars/leashes tho. Ok quick question- does anyone else think its a terrible idea to have your dog be your ring bearer?

I always thought my number was high in comparison with “cultural standards”(i’m a bisexual woman)-its somewhere in the mid 20s. Then I was talking to a straight male co-worker and he said his was in the 50s. Then our gay boss said his was between 100-150. And then I just felt lazy

John waters is lovely-I drunkly latched on to him at his opening in chelsea years ago and told him I loved him, and he gently wriggled out my grasp(you know how he wears those big blazers? I think its for this very reason) and replied he was gay. I said I know, and I dont care(i have lady parts). Best part was later

Actually Gary Sampson was sentecned to death in 2003. I knew John Rizzo, one of his victims and I can say I wish he had gotten life in prison. Hes had 3 or 4 appeals at this point and everytime I see his name in the paper its like a punch to the gut. Last I heard he was fighting for a mistrial.

Ugh effing a born and raised Bostonian, I did not last a year out there. My first week there I went to a New years eve party and some girl told me I was objectifying every woman in the room by DANCING! Like what did I stumble into, some hipster “Footloose” remake?! I did this.EXCEPT I decided to stand on a bench in the lockerroom while everyone was changing before gym and deliver it as a speech. There was a girl who had Downs Syndrone but physically was WELL developed, and the poplular girls were going to have one of their boyfriends ask her to a dance as a joke. I

I'm so super late to this weird kid party, but I'm pretty sure I'd be the morbid belle of this ball. It began with me being obsessed with graveyards when I was 3-id beg my dad to take me at night so I could see the ghosts(he never did). I learned to read at 3 and started devouring any books on the occult, ghost

So Iwas a hot,druggy, ravey mess in my teens, and not a stellar student. I wasn't really into anything other than pot,but at one point a friend of mine convinces me to start selling ecstasy -he gave me about 20-30 pills in an altoids tin. I proceed to lose this tin somewhere in my house and don't realize it til the