This 100%. I'm a lawyer who works for the court. Absolutely no drug tests, and I didn't even think about it before I was hired. However, right of high school for my minimum wage job I got tested.
This 100%. I'm a lawyer who works for the court. Absolutely no drug tests, and I didn't even think about it before I was hired. However, right of high school for my minimum wage job I got tested.
This is just a stunt so that the Tea Partiers can gin up their local constituents.
Kentucky has had no statute of limitations for any felony since the 1970s. There has not been a rash of falsely convicted sexual predators, but there have been quite a few convictions where no other state would have been able to get them.
Just this past Friday I was preached at by the security guard at my work about the evils of abortion. I told him I disagreed, the usual talking points were thrown out by both of us, and then he gets mad and screamed, "they should have kept their dang legs closed!" (and yes he actually said "dang," imagine a lanky,…
What gets me is that this church obviously wanted a publicity stunt by doing this. I'm sure they realized this was a lesbian woman when her family seeking the service included her wife. At that point they could have pitched their fit. However, they chose to humiliate the family by kicking them out in the middle of a…
I thought I was alone here. I don't stink, so there is no need to shower other than washing my hair. However, I frequently feel judged for not showering enough when I admit to my shower schedule.
I don't know about that. I used to wash my hair every single night from 6th grade until my senior year in college. Then I noticed that my very fine, but very thick hair was showing up way too much in my brushes and I was getting crazy split ends and breakage.
I went no shampoo in the fall of 2013 and have never looked back. This means that now I only have to wash my hair every 4 days, or every 6-7 if I don't have to go into work the last days. Previously, I would shower/wash my hair every single night. For background, I am a super WASPy girl with very fine, thick chestnut…
Keep up the optimism regardless. However, I will say that the only reason I have a sweet government salary is solely because of nepotism. It is all the people that you or your parents know. For me, I only ended up in my hometown because my mother got cancer and really wanted me there. This actually helped my career…
Good luck with the Bar! I was personally told that no one ever fails the essays, yet I happened to do so by one freaking point. I totally don't have any resentment about this, lol.
I just binged Peaky Blinders, so there's that. It probably won't make you feel virtuous, but it will educate you on post WW1 undiagnosed PTSD in addition to featuring a super hot main character.
You are not crazy and should go for it. If I could move, family obligations keep me tied, I would do it. I'm 26, soon to be 27, and in a small community. I get the isolated feeling threefold. Additionally, my job is tied to my current location. If you have the ability to move, you should go for it.
It sounds like you are at an actual art school. Wearing different clothes is especially a good thing there. Personally, I'm a lawyer in a small, rural town and constantly feel weird about what I wear. However, I shake it off and think that people are just admiring me for my individuality. That is what I tell myself…
I would say to not feel guilty for not tipping. I am currently having my underarms and full bikini area waxed and have never tipped the lady. The facility I am going to is in the private practice of a plastic surgeon with technicians and nurses.
If I wasn't on a limited budget, I would want a Wes Anderson style portrait from a Memphian. I went to Rhodes and miss Midtown so much. Is the Beauty Shop still in business? Because that was my absolute favorite restaurant there, except for Central BBQ.
That is a good thing for my wallet then. However, I am about to buy 3 dresses and a blazer from The Limited because of those awful Virtual dollars they give you. You have to keep buying for the savings!
What about towels? Holy crap but I would have wanted to know in advance to shave at least.
Since I'm an ASOS addict, I recognize that model. Now I'm restraining myself from going to that website to buy this because I love the dress so much. Wear it.
I need to do this, but I switched to vaping. Now I can get a nicotine hit while at work, and it is so much harder to want to stop. However, I do tell myself that my organic e-juice is better than smoke and tar in my lungs, so I call it a semi-success.
I am finally on the way to living in my own home and getting out of my parent's house. Yay! Although it is still property owned by them, I will be paying rent and have my own space.