
Has anyone else seen "You're the Worst"? Because I just not so legally marathoned this show today and want to spread its greatness. Additionally, continuing to day drink after brunch is the best way to spend a Sunday.

Well, I had a good day today. I looked at paint wheels for my new house; moving out of the parent's house at last! I just wish moving didn't require so much physical labor, lol. And also that the only free couch I am getting wasn't a vintage '70s gold and orange stripped velour. But beggars can't be choosers, I guess.

Mine only wants to talk about med-mal situations. She knew I wanted to be a lawyer, am one now, and really didn't want me to be a plaintiff's attorney. Now that childbirth is in my potential future, her super negative attitude is giving me pause a little bit.

My only advice, other than to not stress because they have seen it all, is to make sure your OBGYN actually does a blood STD test on you. I just learned that full panels require a blood draw and not just the cervical swipe like I thought. Dear Prudies's comments made me aware of this, and for all I know now I could

You risked a DUI pretty much.

Same except it's cabbage for the greens.

There's a parade? Where? All I know about New Year's day is being forcefed black-eyed peas and boiled cabbage.

Well, my state's choice makes sense for me as I was just saying that I had never heard of ALS until this past year. I had no idea what the the disease did and admit to googling it.

Hair grows beneath the skin sometimes, that is life. And I fully admit to loving to watch youtube videos where people extract all of it. However, this video was nothing.

I actually legit love it and wish I could have gone to prom when it would have been cool.

For my part as to legit family history, my maternal grandmother could remember off the top of her head to the great-great whatever who bought the original family farm in 1829 in the county of the state we still live in today. We have only a few photographs here or there to show for all of this poor tobacco farming

Pretty much all my nieces got for Christmas was Frozen themed stuff. One even got an electric Jeep plastered with Elsa's face. According to my dad, the Frozen themed-ness of it made the otherwise manly Jeep appropriate for a 5 year old girl. Ughh.

Nobody can say say anything bad about Rhett. I have probably set up every guy I like against Clark Gable/Rhett Butler to their detriment.

Well, this is my first relationship question to the Jezebel commentariet because i have eschewed even the semblance of dating until now, and I am 26, but when do you know to actually go for it? This is a crazy long post, so do not read unless you want to help a bitch out.

I thought they deserved to be together and were kindred souls! The blockade-running opportunist and convict labor sawmill owner seemed perfect to me, but what do I know, I am a romantic.

Yeah, I was initially responding to the tone of the article that this movie should be forgotten and ignored.

I think I just like unlikeable protagonists because I also enjoyed Hoffman in Happiness and pretty much all of Todd Solondz's movies; normal hero/heroines just become so boring. I discovered his work when I was in middle school because my much older sister repeatedly referred to me as Dawn Weiner. Although I would

OMG! This is bringing me back to middle school. My best friend at the time, 6th grade, was an uber achiever who went on Jeopardy kids edition. We were friends because I was transitioning to the nerd camp; all of my friends from elementary school were skinnier than me and could actually do cartwheels so they got on the

Look, my people were poor white trash and for the most part fought for the North, one even got shot after the war for deciding to go to an ex-Confederate general's bar where they knew he rode with Sherman, but I fucking love Gone with the Wind.

Well, I'm not freaking out now at all!