
I also wanted to say how much I respected The Pleasant Co. before they were bought out by Mattel. When I was 8 in 1996, I hand wrote a request to the company detailing the need for Molly to have a bicycle because of historical relevance and it's prominence in the books. I researched these points with cited references

I remember being so proud when a local town was featured in the magazine because it was named Santa Claus land. Great magazine overall.

I always thought the "real" originals were Felicity, Kirsten, and Samantha because my sister had this cookbook featuring only them from 1990. However, since I only had Molly and Samantha, I am glad to know Molly was actually an original.

Thanks for the price estimate, but I have so much sentimental attachment to my dolls that I would never really sell them. I come from a long line of hoarders, so we just like knowing our stuff is actually worth money and not actually junk.

I loved Samantha because she looked just like me: brown eyes, brown hair, and bangs from the center of my head. Plus, she represented the Victorian era and my parents life was rehabbing my childhood home of a Queen Anne Victorian.

I don't even know who this doll is.

I never liked playing with hair, and seeing the jacked up mess of my friends' dolls made me super careful with it.

My sister and I both still have original Pleasant Co., not Mattel, Samantha dolls with the original half ponytail still intact. I also have an old school Molly with the original braids. I bet they would sell high, especially since I was an OCD child who never lost or damaged the clothes.

I'm still adjusting to thinking of cock as "the D." I never heard this term before last month when the dude I was casually dating used it. He was admitting to having sucked a "D" a few times, which I thought cool for him actually admitting to. However, the importance laced on "the D" seemed a little weird.

The only reason that this is a possibility is that I'm living at home with my parents and my loans aren't that bad. No rent, no car payment, and no grocery bills = rapid savings, although not much of a social life.

I have great news! I got a law clerk position with my local circuit court that provides full salary and benefits. The best part is that I did not have to apply. They finally got funding from the state for the position and then asked me first if I wanted it.

I get not wanting strangers to touch your kid. Only family or close friends should even think about touching a child. Personally, I make my 11 year old nephew hug me because he is trying to act too old for it now, but otherwise I agree that hugs should be the kid's choice. But Jesus Christ, it is not at all invasive

R. J. Reynolds, which is wholly owned by Reynolds American, is the company that owns the facility producing Zmapp out of tobacco leaves. In my opinion, they are taking a traditionally negative product and funding a way to make it a great pharmaceutical tool. Apparently, they are really good employers with great

What was also interesting about my visit, and another thing that emphasized to me that privilege and the patriarchy is real, is that one of the white male neighbors who opposed the protests offered me money, a place to stay, and any other help I needed after I spent one evening drinking beer on his porch. I have no

My mother literally took to her bed when I announced that I was going. However, once I left and then came back safe, she was okay. Also, a cop member of my church was so offended I asked people to join me that he pulled out his whole family from the church forever, but a lot of other church members have assured me

I actually ended up staying a few blocks away from where Myers was killed. The Shaw area is actually a very gentrified area without much crime. I never once felt unsafe walking around. Actually, I did feel unsafe at one point, but that was from the cops beating their batons against riot shields on the way to St. Louis

I just wanted to update everyone, because I asked for advice a few weeks ago, that I went ahead and protested in St. Louis last weekend. I couldn't find anyone I knew who wanted to go with me, but I connected with strangers on the handsupunited message boards. Now I have new friends and a renewed belief in the

I didn't feel the need to come in the past because outsiders shouldn't co-opt a local movement. However, on Twitter it seemed like local protesters really wanted a show of numbers this weekend with "Ferguson October" by getting people from across the country to come. They have organized events around St. Louis in

Is anyone going to the Ferguson October protests this weekend from the 10th-13th? It is only a 3 and 1/2 hour drive for me, and I have been wanting to get involved for a while. I watch the livestreams and follow the people on the ground with Twitter, but have yet to do anything constructive or real. Currently, I

Is anyone going to the Ferguson October protests this weekend from the 10th-13th? It is only a 3 and 1/2 hour drive for me, and I have been wanting to get involved for a while. Currently, I would be going alone and hopefully crashing in a church but hope to find other people in my area to join me instead of going