It's blatant medical malpractice because the company switched up the sperm vials. Do you really not want the company held accountable because they fucked up at their job?
It's blatant medical malpractice because the company switched up the sperm vials. Do you really not want the company held accountable because they fucked up at their job?
"suing the place that gave her to you isn't the best jumping off point"
I have recently learned that I grew up in a bubble as well. I did have Barbies, but my dad let me have free reign in his workshop and I played with tools all the time. Plus, both my parents talked a lot about my grandmother who started a law practice in the '30s and how she never stopped working after marrying and…
One of my high school friends actually had a purity ball thing where there was a big ceremony and her father gave her a ring. It was pretty much him marrying his daughter and weird as fuck. I think they had it when she was about 12 or 13.
Forget the rice. The loose rice can get into the nooks and crannies, and it doesn't suck up as much moisture as other substances. The absolute best thing is to place your MacBook into a sealed container with a strong desiccant. The cheapest source is the blue crystal cat litter that is pure silica. I learned this from…
Has anyone ever gotten laser hair removal? I have PCOS and have hated putting on swimsuits since I hit puberty because of my bikini line nightmare. The hair extends past granny panty underwear at least 2 inches onto my thighs, and if I wax or shave it becomes a mess of infected and ingrown hairs.
This is all my parents could talk about today because they live in the area. People are horrible in general, but the female partners in these types of crimes always upset me the most.
I hope you sued.
In college, I did a semester where 28 of us spent 6 weeks studying at Lincoln College and then 6 weeks traveling Europe under the guide of an art history professor. The entire trip was filled with shenanigans/terrible tragedies but these are the best:
I think you mean Alexander Hamilton, whom he killed in a duel.
Those "looters" were just everywhere there, huh?
I don't like the phrase "a Jew" because that shit is not cool, but I will concur that my post about my Hindi friend who got suspended for posting a swastika in his locker in high school has been deleted.
Are we just blindly forgetting that the swastika is a benevolent symbol of Hinduism?
From my experience and the non-scientific method of the internet consensus, I don't think Vitex messes with hormones directly. This is not black cohash by any means, which a college friend of mine took and blamed for really messing up her hormones/cycle.
You should try Orphan Black, if it hasn't already been suggested. I also went back and watched all of Battlestar Gallactica after being advised by a friend.
I have PCOS, so cramp prevention is a big thing for me. The best thing I have found is taking Vitex as a supplement longterm. While taking it everyday, I have a period that runs like clockwork without pain while off birth control.
I can't hear about Porsche Cayennes without thinking about my first week in college. This really rich girl who lived on my floor got a brand new one for her high school graduation. She really loved her expensive SUV and made sure to write about her experiences with it all the time on our random quote message board in…
I'm kind of a romance novel junkie and read at least two books a week. Usually, I cannot not finish a book.
The author Louisa Trent has fisting in pretty much every one of her books.
I shudder every time I hear or read the mangling of the English language that is "burglarized."