
Imports may be affecting this particular statistical result, but considering that the UK and EU are currently clamping down on allowing USA foods into their borders because of strong disagreement on food oversight, I believe that the real reason is that it is much cheaper to produce lower quality food.

The answer as to why the US spends less on food is because it has the least amount of restrictions on food and has no long term interest in the populace's health.

I just posted a comment on the fact that in many communities it is actually illegal to donate prepared food to soup kitchens or food pantries. I applaud both that NY apparently doesn't prevent this and that the caterers took the time to make sure that the extra food wouldn't go in the garbage can.

What disgusts me is that there are numerous local laws circumventing food donation.

I know that this is weirdly one week past when you would expect responses, but I wrote this post when you wrote yours and have been trying to make kinja work from then until now. Thankfully, all of kinja is now working for me and I can also share with you a very late post, which is copied below.

Thanks for your continued support and interest in helping me. I will check out the book you recommended from the library.

I feel you completely. When I was in law school, I had no undergraduate debt because of scholarships, which prompted my parents to help out with my post-grad costs. Due to this, my overall debtload is/was greatly beneath my peers. However, I am not in the magical trust fund space of a few of the people we went to

All of my replies have advocated therapy, and I know that is truly what I need. However, from my standpoint it has been really hard to accept that because it feeds into my feelings of being a bad daughter who is selfishly waiting for her mother to die and wanting to live her own life. Making an appointment is a much

I am especially taking your advice to heart because you mentioned irregular hours. The biggest cycle that I cannot seem to break is staying up until 3 or 4 in the morning every night and sleeping until at least 10 am if not later. In college I worked out religiously and had semi-decent sleeping and eating habits. Now

I appreciate your support. All in all, I know in my heart that I need to address my issues with a therapist but have been stuck on doing it because of my cultural baggage which is telling me that going to therapy is akin to failure as a person. My mother went only one time after her brother killed himself two years

Moderation is definitely the healthiest option; of which, I believe you are on the right course. From personal experience I went into healthy eating as a magical prescription that had to be adhered to 100% of the time. 80/20 thinking is far healthier. Good luck to you.

Yours is the answer that I was hoping was untrue. In theory I know I would benefit greatly from therapy, and that anyone in my situation would.

I have never done a juice cleanse but have done the Master cleanse (10 days) and multiple water fasts. My longest water fast was 21 days, and part of that was breaking the fast with an additional 5 days of juice in addition to the preparatory 3 days of juice. I will add that even if you are seeking a juice fast for

I am feeling really shitty for moving back to my hometown, which includes an address at my parent's house, after law school. Partially, I did this because I'm a millennial in the current job crisis, but mainly because my mother is an emotionally blackmailing individual who also has a terminal lung cancer diagnosis. I

Glad to hear that you are successfully battling your addiction. I think one of the worst things parents can do to their children, other than outright abuse, is to make them feel unloved. So sorry that you had to face all of that.

Yep, Apple and Moses are going to go fucking crazy as teenagers in anti-GOOP rebellion. This is just the start.

I have to say that the only reason I still identify as a Christian, just writing that phrase makes me cringe because of the inherent connotation, is that I was raised in an extremely tolerant PCUSA church. Nationally, we were one of the first denominations to have women ministers and have recently sanctioned gay

I wholeheartedly agree with this post's intention to revile the poor grammar of recent "popular" fiction. However, since I disdain hypocrisy more, I cannot condone this article, "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her."

Since you are open to urban fantasy, I cannot help but recommend that you read the Downside Ghosts series by Stacia Kane. I slammed through the first 5 books of the series in a week and a half in January. It is definitely a step off the normal path of perfect/anointed characters obviously winning the day because they

I just wanted to thank everyone who replied to me two weeks ago here about my mother's terminal cancer diagnosis and her decision to not take treatment. I felt so much better in my choice to not join my sisters in guilting my mother into doing something she didn't want to do after receiving support from other