Well, I had already committed myself to living off the land, aka fishing the teeming waters of the Land between the Lakes while subsistence camping, so this meter has it so wrong; thanks for nothing.
Well, I had already committed myself to living off the land, aka fishing the teeming waters of the Land between the Lakes while subsistence camping, so this meter has it so wrong; thanks for nothing.
Thanks for your post and making me feel better about my choice to let my mom do what she wants about her own heath. It probably still hasn't sunk in enough for me, but I keep having doubts if I am doing the right thing. Even though I know I could never persuade my mom to do something she didn't want to do, and we have…
Thanks for the support, and I really didn't want to bring everyone down. Looking back on the post and ultimately my past 3 years, it has been pretty shitty. Before this I had an idyllic middle class life with loving parents, so at least I am lucky enough to have had a blessed childhood unlike many others.
After reading your post I looked up the film on Netflix, where lo and behold it was a new addition to my recommended movie field. I plan on watching it as soon as I find the time, but fully concur as to your interpretation from the trailer alone. I will add that it was probably the production company who decided to…
Because of the new Kinja format, no one is likely to see this especially because I am going to write an obnoxiously long post, but I just wanted to get it off my chest to the anonymous interwebs. Two weeks ago my mother was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, even though she never smoked a day in her life. The…
'I'm to engrossed re-watching the finale"
Holy shit, I really must have forgotten this movie completely. I watched it in high school 10 years ago; I'm 26. I don't remember it speaking to me profoundly so at least I won't have a sense of disillusionment if I rewatch it. However, since I am at a profoundly nihilistic self-viewpoint, it will probably affect me…
I just remembered that I used to include a little Flowers in the Attic drama with my Barbies, too. I liked them to get caught and be shamed by everyone else for committing incest. Then they would have to live in a shack at the edge of town with all of the inbred babies they kept having.
My Barbies could never resist the sweet rattails on the NKOTB boys either.
I watched a lot of daytime soaps with my grandmother, so my Barbies were constantly having sex, getting knocked up, and repeatedly marrying and divorcing the New Kids on the Block dolls from my earliest memories. They were the sluttiest of sluts.
I had an ocular migraine last night, so can anyone confirm that this article is a huge mess of typos and not a sign I need a brain scan?
Well, Genesis 6:4 say the Nephilim (angels) sexed up the mortal women and created giant children. Make sure to cover up your hair, lest they became sexually inflamed.
Are you me? Although, I will say that after a few near fender benders, I have forced myself to stop reading while driving.
So the Lifetime movie about Trayvon Martin should focus on him being a weed smoking thug? Because that got a lot of play in the media, too.
That sounds more like gluttony to me.
On another tangent, I really don't get why Arcade Fire got so popular in the mainstream to the point that everyone and anyone proclaims to "love them." I mean I think they are amazing, but nobody usually likes the stuff I like. I should also add that I bought Funeral in the fall of 2004 and have loved them ever since,…
Do it! I feel that most of my regrets in life are things that I wanted to do but felt scary. Also, Bonnaroo is only about 2 and 1/2 hours from me, so it really isn't that far for me to venture. If it were farther, I would have more inhibitions.
Yeah, I really never thought about going alone to a concert since it has always been a group activity in my mind. Plus, the camping alone part amidst strangers has always made me worried. However, whenever I go to big festivals it inevitably ends up that my friends don't know or like the bands I want to see and I end…
I just have to say that the biggest rats I have ever seen were some puppy sized ones outside of the White House when I was a preteen. That nighttime walk of DC scarred me for life!
I haven't dealt with it long term (only months at a time) but frequently I have had to take incoming phone calls for pro bono legal services and the local prosecutor's office where people straight up cussed me out frequently. The prosecutor's office was the worst because all kinds of people would call about not being…