
Thanks for this. I think that I just needed affirmation for my choice, since I know that even broaching the notion of going alone is going to make my friends and family question my sanity.

Has anyone ever done Bonnaroo solo as a woman? It has been my dream to attend since high school. A family friend literally promised me that he would pay for me and a group of friends to attend if I made valedictorian in high school. However, when it came to deliver, he claimed that he contacted the Manchester police

Shit, now as a lifelong member of the special people's club I need to go watch Welcome to the Dollhouse again.

I admit that I watched A Single Man partially because "OMG! Tony was shirtless in it." Clearly, Tom Ford shared the same thoughts.

Some people just can't relate to others or know how to appropriately respond. I'm sorry that happened to you and that you weren't supported in the retelling.

That is exactly the dog I want if I wasn't a struggling, currently unemployed lawyer with loans.

The choice between "first" and "firstly" in a succession of paragraphs is mainly a stylistic choice based on a love of past convention. However, I had a rather reproving grammar teacher who preferred the tradition of using "first, secondly, thirdly, etc." in paragraphical lists, which greatly influenced me. The OED

I just wanted to give my approval of your appropriate use of the adverbial phrase in an opening clause. So many people use "First," "Second," Third," etc. to open paragraphs, which makes my little English grammar Nazi heart hurt.

Please let Jasper Johns estate sue him into infinity.

Still relevant child star?

Holy shit! Now I will never ever have any surgery.

I've always thought that the best murder plan for anyone would be to start a locavore diet/urban foraging lifestyle and create a pattern of eating random weeds, berries, and mushrooms. Then when they need to off whomever, they can "accidentally" harvest the wrong type of plant and cook it up. Necessarily, the murderer

I thought that I had crappy roommates in the past because I had a girl turn on me for drunkenly setting off the fire alarm for 3 hours (the fire dept. came and could not shut off the building alarms) in the early morning after a frat party when she was away for the weekend and not at all inconvenienced, but you have

I'm assuming that your husband is planning on creating an actual business, correct? Because you have to file all LLCs, whathaveyou, with your secretary of state which will probably tip off anyone stalking you. Additionally, no one has looser lips than real estate agents. Believe you me, the realtor will let loose

My advice for you is the same as another poster asking about whether expensive lotion is worth it. I also had to fight constant red face four years ago. I am not sure if I became allergic to something that is in every commercial product, but the problem went away when I switched to the oil method. I, too, felt the

Not sure if it is the advice you are looking for, but the only way I ever defeated redness was by completely eliminating any skin products with alcohols. Pretty much every product, be it face wash or lotion, contained something which was slightly irritating to my skin and producing the redness tinge that wouldn't go

Doing that is a legal no no. I actually interned with a Court of Appeals judge where I wrote the reversing decision on a situation like this. I have to say gender still plays a role, but if you have a good lawyer it won't happen. The district judge didn't seem to understand that a lucky lower class guy who married a

I went to the Kentucky portion of land between the lakes. It was great except for all of the berzerker bicyclists.

I think my discontent was compounded by the fact that no one in my family was bringing up the real concerns of hiking/camping alone which are isolation in the face of physical danger if you broke a leg or got bitten by a snake. Those are the real dangers to be wary of, as a man or woman in the woods. I considered

As I was raised in the South, I am incapable of being rude to others in the moment or really just do not know how to respond. A girl even slapped me in the face at a church youth group event in middle school once after everyone else left the room, she had been laughing about it in the group setting, because I