
That is what was so weird. I clearly told him it was for a fun date party with someone else when I asked him, and then days later he seemed to think I had asked to go out with him for real. Regardless, he let me know I was below his standards in his piss poor attitude when deigning to take me but not "date" me.

I just wanted to come on here and say that last weekend I went on my first alone camping trip. It was awesome, and I feel like my Walden weekend of self-actualization was very rewarding.

I got this from a pretty geeky guy in my math group in college. Granted he might have been confused about what I was asking, but my sorority had a date party where we were supposed to set up our sisters with dates, so because he was very tall I asked him if he would be willing to go with one of my sisters because she

There were 2 full seasons. They aired them out of order in the second season and then stopped releasing new eps until a big dump of the last 6 in June. You should definitely check them out. This was one of my favorite shows along with Happy Endings.

Honestly, I had to read it for an evolution of the novel class at my over priced liberal arts college, but it is legitimately a great book. In 1759, an author was out there enough to actually have a full page of blacked out space to replicate his thoughts.

Wouldn't it sound better if you claimed to read more esoteric literary works?

I second your Wide Sargasso Sea recommendation. I already hated Rochester because he was a blatant dick in Jane Eyre, but the depth of his depravity is much clearer after thinking about things from the poor crazy wife's perspective.

This is my favorite of Chris Lilley's characters, but Ja'mie was actually first on TV in We Can Be Heroes: Finding The Australian of the Year.

The only thing that breaks my sugar cravings is completely cutting out sugar and starches from my diet for a full week. Once you get past the first 3 days of non-carbo loading, your body stops craving sugar so much. I should add that I have to cut out all diet products as well. The aspartame, sucralose, and other fake

I have no faith that even if a viable vaccination were produced that it would be accepted by the FDA or ever marketed in America. Stanley Glick, PhD., M.D. has done multiple studies on ibocaine for its ability to aid in opiate addictions, but he been painted as a quack in America.

Realistically, his stomach acid would kill off most if not all of the bacteria before it was able to reach his intestines. However, if he stole the poop and put it in an enema he would be in business. Plus, you don't have to eat shit that way.

Yep, I love the Ale 8 as well. What a small world it is. Thanks for the offer to ship, but I am currently trying to cut out soda, which is probably easier since I don't have access to Cheerwine although I have to consciously avoid the Ale 8 kiosks at Kroger. I also went to college in Memphis and have a deep love for

From your name I have to assume you are another fan of NC's Cheerwine. For many summers I traveled out with my youth group to Montreat for a week where we binged on the delectable soda and loaded up cases for our journey back to Kentucky. Are you a fellow Montreater?

I'm glad as another PCUSAer that I was beaten to the punch to separate ourselves from the PCA sect. I am really proud that I can say the little old ladies of my church went out in force to counter-protest the opening of Brokeback Mountain in my little Southern town.

I totally pegged this kind of woman being PCA. Thanks for the confirmation.

I am a proud PCUSA member who is part of the same open and non-judgmental Presbyterian part of the USA that is probably connected with your Canadian offshoot since we have close ties to Scotland.

Heathers lied to me! Oh, no the humanity.

He is, however, confirming his poor judicial capability by deciding to change an opinion due to unpopular public opinion. This is more of an abuse of his office than the original poor decision. I should note that I 100% believe he should be removed from office by the current election facing his judicial seat.


You need to check the ingredients in whatever sunscreen you choose. I read this Slate article at the beginning of the summer and learned a lot about sunscreen that I never knew.

It doesn't matter what anyone's intent is in bringing a firearm to an airport. Just like statutory rape, this is a strict liability offense that merits charges every time it happens.