
From your name I have to assume you are another fan of NC's Cheerwine. For many summers I traveled out with my youth group to Montreat for a week where we binged on the delectable soda and loaded up cases for our journey back to Kentucky. Are you a fellow Montreater?

I'm glad as another PCUSAer that I was beaten to the punch to separate ourselves from the PCA sect. I am really proud that I can say the little old ladies of my church went out in force to counter-protest the opening of Brokeback Mountain in my little Southern town.

I totally pegged this kind of woman being PCA. Thanks for the confirmation.

I am a proud PCUSA member who is part of the same open and non-judgmental Presbyterian part of the USA that is probably connected with your Canadian offshoot since we have close ties to Scotland.

Heathers lied to me! Oh, no the humanity.

He is, however, confirming his poor judicial capability by deciding to change an opinion due to unpopular public opinion. This is more of an abuse of his office than the original poor decision. I should note that I 100% believe he should be removed from office by the current election facing his judicial seat.


You need to check the ingredients in whatever sunscreen you choose. I read this Slate article at the beginning of the summer and learned a lot about sunscreen that I never knew.

It doesn't matter what anyone's intent is in bringing a firearm to an airport. Just like statutory rape, this is a strict liability offense that merits charges every time it happens.

Epic fail on putting the nails through the hands. For real Jesus emulation, they need to put the nails through the wrists.

Well, you might not like her in NTSF SD SUV either then because they all play pretty awful people. I however love non Mary Sue characters, no matter how misanthropic.

That was my slumber party staple. Love it so much!

You need to check out NTSF SD SUV from adult swim because she is great in that.

The Duke TIP program administers the ACT and SAT to 6th graders where many students score much higher than 1770 out of 2400. When I took the ACT through the program, I sucked in the Science category but was able to pull a 31 out of 36 in Reading Comprehension.

So a 1770 out of 2400 is not really a good score then, right?

What pathetic woman wanted to date and sleep with this predator?

It's another name for Ecstasy, MDMA, etc.

Yes, I too blame the drug that dare not speak its name—Molly.

Yes, the Constitution applies to all within the borders of the USA. This is why our country just has to have prisons, oh I mean "detainment centers," in foreign enemy countries like Cuba. I got all riled up with pride in Criminal Procedure because Merika is for freedom, Fuck Yeah! Then the reality of interning with

But to be truly ironic, shouldn't you start acting like a tourist in Brooklyn even though you are a resident?

Glad that you are healthy, but a vegetarian lifestyle is really not that much of an improvement to the planet unless you are not buying from commercial growers. Industrialized farming greatly harms our planet.