
Because you are already enrolled, I will restrain my impulsive inclination to tell you not to go to law school. However, if you really, really want to be a lawyer this is a good life choice no matter the current economy and job market because more people need to trumpet our rights as people under the Constitution.

What I meant by "real" fasting was a biological state in the body. During it, the digestion system shuts down because you are not introducing food at all for days. Since this is my interpretation of fasting, aka what I was told that Gandhi and Jesus did when they claimed to be fasting, up until a few years ago I

How is fasting while having your period at all dangerous? I say this as a woman who has personally tried water fasting for spiritual healing purposes multiple times that have lasted up to 20 days, which has at points overlapped with my menses. Did they give scientific reasons?It is my understanding that Ramadan is not

The McDonald's coffee case is also one of my pet peeves to correct people on. I didn't sit through Products Liability to hear a guy on the bus bitch that a woman was too stupid to know coffee would be hot and hosed McDonald's for millions.Uggh.

For once there was more anti-DV sentiments on gawker. Even TMZ had anti-Emma stuff when it happened.

Jezebel did cover it, but it was weirdly after the initial Gawker post. I agree that she is just as bad as Chris Brown, though.

I have a question for NYC Jezzies. I am going to visit a college friend in NYC at the end of September and am worried about high priced drinks at bars. However, I currently live in the state with the lowest smoking taxes—you can get a carton of Marlboros for about $42 or single pack for $4.50.

This reminds me of right after I turned 18 when my group of friends loaded up on cherry Swisher Sweets (before they took away all of the awesome kid friendly flavors) and went to the bingo hall to celebrate our emancipation.

The Museum of Tolerance aka The Death Camp of Tolerance explains:

Agree! I binge watched the entire series in 1 week on Netflix this summer because there were always references here that I didn't get. Amazing show.

I am really curious as to why this would come up at work, unless it was work at the ole religious crazy compound.

Are you really saying credit card debt is better (aka less interest) than student loan debt? This sounds like really bad financial advice.

Glad to hear this has been done without casualties! I just need to check-out from everything for a couple of days, but fear and guilt have been holding me back.

Thank you japples24 for encouraging me and posing thoughtful questions. The funny thing is that no one in my personal life has thought enough to ask why I want to do this. They just tell me that camping is dirtier than I think and that I should just go to the local park to see some nature if I'm into that now. You

I have been a student straight from kindergarten through the bar exam, which was this week. For the first time ever, I have no driving goal or endpoint of things in my life. Possibly due to this and general freaking out because I couldn't bring myself to apply for a law job and face the possibility of rejection, I

Personally, I do not mean anything against you, but I have dealt with bulimia for years where certain people do not understand what people with a disorder actually do.

I decided to post since I am the direct demographic here and just officially moved back home with my parents this week. Yay, I am living the millennial dream.

The truly ancient titles in the aristocracy have a much greater claim to the throne than the German upstarts.

If you use pure Acetone nail polish remover, you will be fine. It is all of the useless junk they add to jack up the price that gunks up polish thinned by standard nail polish remover.