
I understand your personal philosophy, but if fertilized embryos gain legal personhood status you can kiss gender equality good-bye. The pro-birthers can easily argue for the the rules in place for euthanasia to apply; no active killing and only passive death. Doctors would not be able to pro-actively endanger the

I am a law student which means I probably am obsessing over the terminology of the statute in Ohio. By definition "murder" can only apply to human beings. Roe v. Wade was found by determining that a non-viable fetus was not a human being. These two concepts cannot co-exist.

My main issue is the exact statute being used in Ohio. It has been worded, in my opinion on the urging of pro-birthers, to open the door to future attacks on abortion in that state.

I am ethically fine with the death penalty. Due to the extreme financial burden imposed when the death penalty is sought by the prosecution (even throwing it on the table like the present case to force the defendant to plea down to life) hugely inflates the court and litigation costs, which makes me against state's

Castro is a complete piece of shit, but the death penalty should not even be on the table. There was no murder here. A fetus cannot be murdered, or we should go ahead and tell the pro-birthers that they have already won.

It is a pretty rapey sex scene, but it was the '80s and that was popular. It is kind of sickening to go back and read the shit they called romance in a lot of popular books. I also advocate doing it for the pleasure of experiencing the WTF moments.

I have never paid for cable but watch all shows about 20 minutes after they air on television. You just have to be willing to ignore thoughts of copyrights.It is the same principle as me borrowing my sister's HBO GO password and parents Netflix account. You are just sharing a link with your super-close, unidentified

I feel your pain of procrastinating on the bar exam study. Sadly, after the BarBri prep MBE mock exam scores came out last week, I started slacking because they made me think I didn't need to worry.

So glad to find another kindred soul. I mean when someone tells you something is forbidden you just obsess over it more, especially when the contraband is hidden away.

I was in first grade when this came out, and it is literally the first movie I ever remember discussing with my friends. Only one of us was cool enough to see it in theaters—not me because my parents didn't allow 6 year olds to watch PG-13 movies.

Congrats! I have never seen a Flowers in the Attic gif before.

Should I be scared of my pre-adolescent sexual stirrings from the original Jafar?

I appreciate the technical explanation. Thank you.

As a Regency romance enthusiast, I was intrigued whether the new laws removed male primogeniture for all inherited titles. Does the new law instigated at Kate's pregnancy apply to all titles in the UK or just the monarchy?

I assumed that they relegated all burner accounts (aka not linked through Facebook) into the gray. Since I do not post anything to Facebook ever because of the crazy, weird backlash that can produce, I have become resigned to life in the gray annex.

My first response was that the estate already has the lawsuit in the bag.

The o9s referred to zip code.

WTF! All I could focus on was the reference to an American Psycho musical.

But it's here trademark line now. Girl needs to trademark that shit and make some money.

I kind of wish my Home Ec., or officially PC named Family Consumer Science, classes included proper make-up application. All of my skills are attributable to youtube videos.