Well, I was all prepared to say that Gucci Mane is at least fighting the patriarchy since he said "white girl wasted," but apparently they only be "shakin" and it's "white boy wasted."Sigh.
Well, I was all prepared to say that Gucci Mane is at least fighting the patriarchy since he said "white girl wasted," but apparently they only be "shakin" and it's "white boy wasted."Sigh.
The article quotes her saying that her son can sell them for college if he has to.
The crazy thing is she's right about the Birkins being good investments. Birkins have dramatically increased in price over the last few decades and have a very strong re-sale value.
My sister named her first kid Arlo. My mother, her husband's mother, anyone who heard the name, hated it. This is not a family name, and we have a close family friend who had this name in her family which no one wanted to pass on to the next generation.
One of my college friend's parents did exactly this for her older sister. They were hard-core Texas Republicans who told me in 2007 that Perry was the going to be the next president. (Super awesome to go on a weeklong spring break with them, although they were rich and paid for all of us.) They completely embraced his…
Yep, silence is definitely the best decision here. I would end up feeling guilty about it anyway because I am one of those people with stick straight hair after air drying and barely spend any money on taking care of it.Everything described in the article sounds hella expensive.
Drunk shopping is the worst! Especially with ebay because it is not absolutely certain you will end up with something. After my ipod nano died while I was full of the wine Saturday, I took to ebay and started bidding on a replacement.
I think the key is if your parents sat down and discussed money with you on an adult level when you were a child. My two older sisters were treated like children and did not have a clue about where money came from, why they could not have unlimited My Little Ponies, or what the concept of budgeting was. Once they went…
This article has made me glad my financially secure sister opted to have a 3rd child. Everyone thought she was crazy for getting pregnant at 38, but she and her husband have no debt and very lucrative careers. Might as well bring another child into the world with a good foundation.
I really don't understand why the tea baggers don't take their fear of more brown babies than white ones and incentivize the baby makin' of the middle class.
Well, the Ezekiel bread has a huge religious connection. My childhood vacation bible school introduced me to it.
You should spin it hipster style that you don't care about the mainstream pop nonsense. I only listen to the radio when in other peoples cars, so it really surprises me when I recognize songs.
Mr. Carter is Lil Wayne.
I really don't understand the social rules in regard to weaves. As a white girl in a mostly white rural area growing up, I never knew this was even a thing until college.
Other people's hair is so gross. Until I read the original article about the hair touching event a few weeks ago, I had no idea white people routinely asked to touch ethnic hair. WTF? This distresses me that it is apparently common to subject other people to this weird curiosity and get up in people's space.
It is crazy how negative the perceptions of stay at home dads are in my rural red state. Last Thanksgiving, my SAHM sister was telling everyone about a mom's group she started where the moms alternate supervising play-dates to give each other a break. Everyone was very positive about this until my sister added that…
In my Teutonic descended family we call this the "chucklehead."
Interesting. I just use Kirk's Castile soap.
What's African Black soap?
Yes, stay away from mineral oil based ones. I was just going to buy a natural oil based one, but they are really expensive while the the ingredients are quite cheap. The main components are locally sourced beeswax, almond oil, coconut oil, very strongly steeped chamomile tea from distilled water, and borax.