
I recommend the first 8 books of the Anita Blake series by Laurel K. Hamilton. They were a nice mix of police procedural, mystery, paranormal with great world-building. After book 8, the author kind of went off the deep-end and turned the main character into an avatar of herself fucking every single guy she met and

I make my own cold cream that I coat my face with every night. My skin has never been this smooth and radiant. Once your face gets used to the switch from oil-free commercial products to natural oil based ones, you will not break out. I have had one blemish in about 9 months. The lines on my forehead from furrowing my

I was just about to add Forrest Gump to the list. Hardly anyone I know has actually read it, and they usually don't believe me when I tell them what was in it.

I am so excited that she is running. I volunteered a little time on her Secretary of State campaign because I supported her views and she went to my alma mater. Hopefully, when the election is closer I can do more for her campaign.

What a lot of other posters seem to be ignoring is that quite a few of the people going to college now should not be. In America we have a real dearth of qualified technical jobs, which high school guidance counselors seem to ignore.

I feel for you. Every one of the fiances my sister dragged home was required to sleep in separate bedrooms regardless if they lived together. My parents were pretty liberal in advocating BC to their daughters in high school but in their home they make the rules.

If it is that low for an in state (in province?) student, go for it. The socialized healthcare also sounds really great.

You don't have to move to Canada so long as your kids make good enough grades to be accepted to McGill. Even the foreign student rates are crazy lower than commensurate American schools. The best advice I ever ignored was from my cousin, a Harvard grad, who told me to go to McGill to receive a Harvard level education

In all honesty, I would have drastically changed my college decision if I were a high school senior post-2008. I gave up a full ride to my state flagship university complete with a $500 a year stipend for books in order to go to my dream liberal arts college. I loved every minute at my school and know for a fact that

SCOTUS sayeth, so it may be.

What you are referring to are racist incidents, not incidents indicative of a Southern person. Yes, many Southerners are racists, but not all of them. We have Paula Deen as the vanguard of this. The sins of those no account hoosiers cannot be laid at the feet of Southerners, however.

Such a fail in proper usage of "kin." Do you raise your aunt, uncle, or grandpa? No, well they are your kin. Kin refers to any family member; it is not a synonym for the chillins.

Americans can say the same about hockey.

Well, this seems to be a good step from a school that calls its newspaper The Hustler.

I have always been intrigued with her relationship ever since VH1 Behind the Music told me they literally flipped a coin at one point to decide whether to stay married and work on it or just get divorced. The coin decreed they work on it.

I do not understand why anyone would take issue with "y'all." Linguistically it makes so much sense. Once we eliminated thee, thou, etc. from the lexicon, "you" stopped being recognized as the formal or plural version.

I just really hate that phrase and needed to put my liberal arts education to use. I completely understand you were using it to make a point.

One of my biggest pet peeves is when misinformed Yankees keep touting the line that Southerners "drop their gs." This is impossible phonetically because the pronunciation difference arose from a different verb ending brought over from England which continued in the South. Our pronunciation does not reveal a devolution

I feel bad for the children of gorgeous celebrities who don't follow in their beautiful footsteps. My first thought after seeing the picture of Sailor was about all of the self-comparisons Cristie's daughter with Billy Joel, who unfortunately looks more like him, must have made growing up.

I desperately want Jennifer Lawrence and Hoult to work out. They would be the most adorable, most talented couple ever!