
Americans can say the same about hockey.

Well, this seems to be a good step from a school that calls its newspaper The Hustler.

I have always been intrigued with her relationship ever since VH1 Behind the Music told me they literally flipped a coin at one point to decide whether to stay married and work on it or just get divorced. The coin decreed they work on it.

I do not understand why anyone would take issue with "y'all." Linguistically it makes so much sense. Once we eliminated thee, thou, etc. from the lexicon, "you" stopped being recognized as the formal or plural version.

I just really hate that phrase and needed to put my liberal arts education to use. I completely understand you were using it to make a point.

One of my biggest pet peeves is when misinformed Yankees keep touting the line that Southerners "drop their gs." This is impossible phonetically because the pronunciation difference arose from a different verb ending brought over from England which continued in the South. Our pronunciation does not reveal a devolution

I feel bad for the children of gorgeous celebrities who don't follow in their beautiful footsteps. My first thought after seeing the picture of Sailor was about all of the self-comparisons Cristie's daughter with Billy Joel, who unfortunately looks more like him, must have made growing up.

I desperately want Jennifer Lawrence and Hoult to work out. They would be the most adorable, most talented couple ever!

Its weirdness is why I love it. No American teen show could feature a musical love story based around the destruction of the Twin Towers in an episode.

For Americans, Netflix has series 1-6. I am sure that will have links though, that will work wherever you are. I have to partly blame Skins for killing my last laptop because I kept getting viruses from not-so-legally streaming shows I had no legal access to. Now I have a good virus protection and can

Now I feel weird for not being ashamed of watching Skins. I was so excited when I heard they were checking up on past characters instead of a new crop.

I was so excited by SCOTUS's decision to overturn DOMA because this sets up a perfect test case for those married in Massachusetts, New York, etc. who move to other states through the Full Faith and Credit Clause.

Kristen and Dax were very vocal about how they were not going to get married until the right to marry was applied to homosexual couples as well.

Love Garfunkel and Oates.

Well, I have heard the term to directly mean "fluid bonded." As in they trust each other enough to forgo condoms.

This is why we need to legalize prostitution. Then there would be better safeguards in place for the women who need money and are willing to trade sex for it.

My 34 year old sister just went to this. She and a bunch of her other mom friends loaded up the car with gallons of wine and left the kids at home.

OMG My mom and grandmother would both say it exactly like that, too! I assumed this was a little family quirk since everyone else uses "bless your heart." We all use it for my sisters' and cousins kids when they cry, so the sweet connotation will at least survive one more generation in my family.

I am in my early 20s and reacted to the OP because so many Yankees I encounter automatically assume the phrase is only the faux-Christian Southern fuck you. This obnoxious girl from Boston who lived on my floor freshman year on the campus of our very traditionally Southern college mockingly appropriated "bless your

Well, I guess I need to have a conversation with my mom and grandmother then about why they have been so mean to me over the years.