Kip Russell: Has Spacesuit, will babble

I assumed it was going to be a picture book.  Just print out all of her posts and bind it up.

Whipping his dick out was bad enough, but he also actively tried to ruin the careers of those women and anyone who tried to report on it as well. People don’t talk about that enough. Like so much fucking hand-wringing over a guy’s “ruined reputation” and literally nothing about the reps of all the women he crushed

“And I really can’t see the Garofalo of the early 90s - the alt comic feminist - allowing a comic of that generation to skate so easily if they’d done something like that to her.”

Look, I get standing up for a friend. But compare this to what Marc Maron said about C.K., also longtime friends. He had asked C.K. privately about the (at the time) rumors and Louis said they weren’t true. When C.K. admitted to the behavior, Maron said on the podcast that Louis had straight up lied to him and fuck

She’s really using the “He has daughters!” excuse? And tossing in “I’ve known him forever!” and “You weren’t there!”

I’m pretty sure she’s not even a paper billionaire. None of their valuations can be verified. It’s all self-reported. 

I just want a silver-screen confrontation between Peggy and Dottie; is that too much to ask?!

I mean I’d argue she was back when the show aired, but it doesn’t stop me from just wanting at least one more season of the show.

It seems like, despite all the lawsuits and fairly-credible gossip alleging horrible abuse by Singer, the studios *still* would’ve kept him on this project had he not acted flaky by showing up late, being distracted with hosting personal guests/partying, and a generally unprofessional attitude. But I still think the

Oh, he commented on the impact of #MeToo. Smugly admitted that he and Spacey will have no trouble finding work in Hollywood. He knows he’s untouchable. 

Curious there’d be no mention of the impact of #MeToo, and how his name has come up numerous times in association with other known rapists and pedophiles.

The headline to this story makes posting this obligatory:

This week on The Connors, Dan’s got a new flame! You’ll never guess who it is!

Look, I was already in love with Jameela Jamil. If you keep telling me all the ways she is incredible that I didn’t already know about then I’ll have nothing left to surprise me when she finally comes to take me away from all this. Just leave us a little something for ourselves, hm?

While I believe she firmly has the right to do this and move on with her life, I’m disappointed because it looks like the AMC investigation was incomplete and the Hardy boy will be able to get back to it.

Although hey Chris.

We see you.

That is a very stupid opinion. 

Because eleven would be gaudy.

having cisgender actors portray trans roles perpetuates the idea that trans people are “playing dress up”

All she did - literally all she did - was sign a licensing royalty contract with Colourpop for a tube of lip gloss, after getting surgery to enhance her lips, and imply the kits were responsible. That’s it!She signed her name to the makeup they already produced. That’s the extent of her involvement.