Kip Russell: Has Spacesuit, will babble

You asserted that anyone using a vehicle as a weapon is a Muslim Terrorist. I provided examples of non-Muslim terrorists using the same modus. You choose to see only Muslim terrorists (and, let’s be clear, those are terrorists who are Muslims. Not all Muslims - not even a large percentage - are terrorists.). Wallow in

And, I’ll accept that I might be wrong about Roseanne’s personal character. I don’t know her. Like you, I know what I read.
But anyone who’ll stump for Trump is an idiot (regardless of their other politics). That’s not in question.

He was a lonely “incel” man who got his hatred of “Stacey”s and “Chad”s from other lonely men on the internet...His misogyny was formed or amplified by the online misogyny community, mostly based in N.America (including Iowa, I imagine.)
You’ll recall in Charlottesville, it was an AMERICAN racist fuck who drove a car

Don’t sent Magdalene Visaggio your sympathies about Eternity Girl, though :)

Dammit, and I was loving Eternity.

What do you see as the two sides?

I just meant someone might feel more comfortable espousing their real views vs keeping quiet to get along...

Sorry to hear about your friend. Glad you had an open mind.

only a certain type of religious people keep mowing people down with vans

I didn’t watch the episode. I didn’t watch the series in its first run, either.

Bigotry is the status quo. Conservatism means preserving that status.

Being/becoming conservative means you want to at the very least freeze the status quo as it is, which is racist. “More Conservative” might just mean you fight more strenuously against progress?

I live in Toronto. What’s your point?

Norman Lear is on record as saying he was stunned by how many people missed the fact that Archie was so completely in the wrong ALL THE TIME (and then he’d learn a bit of a lesson by the end of the show). I think for some people, All In The Family was like a documentary of their homes...Reality TV before it really

in the 80s and early 90s, it probably wouldn’t have entered her thinking, because there were no examples of Muslims in her community...

In my view, conservatives seek to preserve the status quo. And right now, the status quo is racist.

Yes, certainly, people should change...but if you’re of a progressive (vs. conservative) mindset, you would hope for change forward, not back.

I re-listened to “The Off-white Album” [an album that left me gasping for air from laughter, back in the day] a few months ago, and I was struck by how mean and shallow his commentary was, even then. It was funny because he had a hip vibe and threw in really obscure references...I guess...but it was also very

“I believe the original character would’ve said, ‘Who cares [about having Muslim neighbors]?’ And now she’s saying she does care.”