Kip Mooney

I like Ed Helms. He’s perfectly cast in the IMO underrated Cedar Rapids.

Yeah that one was also ridiculous. He’s called out for it, he’s established as a crazy person already, and it’s not even blackface. He’s cosplaying a fictional fantasy creature.

Its getting stupid.  Its like losing the D&D Community episode because Chang black faces as a dark elf.  Which is clearly shown to be wrong and that he is a terrible person for it.    Context is key on this sorta thing

As far as I’m concerned, Eddie Redmayne’s best performance was in *quiet whisper* Jupiter *incoherent screaming* RISING

TBF, a lot of horror movies hinge on central characters being idiots.

Boy, I don't know.

The cast looks good but would people want a reboot or a sequel?

It’s kinda crazy that in 2020 the worst thing about The West Wing is that it didn’t make the Republicans evil enough.

That’s the line from the TV show!

I don’t think so, Tim.

You know what else is coming soon? A new Ford Bronco (heavily inspired by the original). This reeks of forthcoming ad campaign.

“Warning: Just because the protagonist in the following movie has a dead mom doesn’t mean that your mom will die. Probably.” ~ Warning before a roomful of kids start crying

The real reason they fired him is because he wouldn’t stop eating their cats

Nah, those 8 seasons are still the greatest TV show of all time.

Sounds like someone who didn’t watch the problem with Apu. Just because there was no social media for people to use to complain about things doesn’t mean people didn’t have problems with racism decades ago. I hate to break it to you but racism existed before facebook and twitter did and people who were the victims of

Regardless of whatever anyone’s personal thoughts on this controversy, it takes a pretty big man to be forced to look at one of his iconic roles and peacefully recognize that, hey, maybe I should try to see how this might have upset people.

but that he eventually came around to understanding the various critiques, especially when he framed it through his own Jewish identity. “[I]f that character were the only representation of Jewish people in American culture for 20 years, which was the case with Apu, I might not love that,” he said.

Did something happen to the Waynes that involved a gun? I feel like this hasn’t really been addressed in any of the comics, movies, cartoons, or TV shows.

I watched the trailer and I still have no idea what just happened.