
Having the preternaturally charismatic Glen Powell pop up not once but twice throughout Saturday’s show...”

It’s so rare to get a movie where the entire theater experience, with the screen filling your whole field of vision, and the sound coming from different areas and occasionally blasting you into your seat, is such an important part of the storytelling. So these movies absolutely deserve this.

I agree that Tenet is better than a lot of people say it is. But your reasoning isn’t even wrong, it’s just really weird

Yep, me too. And I’m glad people are voicing their annoyance with it.  Beautifully animated and written (though I think it dragged a bit in parts), but the ending bugged me.

Didn’t care for this one. it was just more of the same, ramped up to 11. And I didn’t know it was a two-parter before i went into it and I felt super cheated. Don’t think I’ll bother with the second half.

In his defence, I massively enjoyed the movie right up until just before the lack of an end, then left the cinema with a scowl on my face, swearing under my breath like Muttley.

I don’t blame people for not liking that ending; it was not promoted as something that was going to lead immediately into another sequel, and the theatre I saw it in turned on it rapidly (if not with any real hostility) at the end there. That said, I doubt it’s anything anyone’s going to be bothered about after the

They didn’t call him “Walleye” because of his eye. They called him that because of his medical condition that made him smell like fish.

I truly only came here cus of the misleading headline. I’ll find my way out.

This was a mystery? My mother and I watched the film, and when we spoke about it afterward, the only question was if he changed which eye he was wearing a contact in from scene to scene, because the affected eye seemed to vary through the movie.

Lol if you weren’t aware of Argylle then you literally don’t pay attention to movies at all. I had the same experience; I saw the trailer and TV spots constantly in the lead up to its release. It’s always funny when chronically online people who probably have strict adblocking on every single device and never watch

How have you guys STILL not fixed the thing where movies 9 and 10 are listed as a second 1 and 2?  It’s embarrassing.

Yeah, it’s as though I’ve already heard the song elsewhere - in between the bars of so many songs already out there.

I’m so glad I know what Bolu Babalola thinks about this situation ahhhh

I get his complaint, sort of, but he’s also talking about the MPAA, which as a determining body has never been particularly consistent or reasonable with their standards. Have fun pissing in the wind, Matty!

In what way exactly is Chappelle a terf? I can’t think of anything “radically feminist” he’s advocated - he’s just a plain old anti-trans bigot.

one of Hollywood’s most low-key chaotic and unintentionally hilarious figures: Dakota Johnson.”

The monologue should never have gone to Robbie because Robbie is playing a projection of America Ferrera’s angst.

I think he has a few moments where he gets to shine from an acting perspective particularly when he and Barbie have their confrontation after he takes over Barbieland.