
Ah yes, the classic brain-dead response to any content that might be legitimately objectionable: it’s fiction!

Nolan’s idea of “large-scale” = endless extreme closeups of his actors’ faces and a nonstop barrage of overbearing music and sound.

“Maybe I should ask for some help from grown-ups in government or college!”

the sight gag of those increasingly Jurassic water bottles.”

“a poorly-executed facsimile cobbled together by unscrupulous individuals”

You’re assigning a hierarchy of importance to the awards that doesn’t exist.

The only nominated director I prefer over Gerwig is Glazer, so that’s easy. I’d place Robbie over Gladstone and Stone. Havent’ seen Bening.

Since when is “demanding” a criterion for a nomination? It’s an incredibly inspired comic performance in the vein of Kevin Kline in A Fish Called Wanda, a previous unorthodox winner in the category.

Except How Green Was My Valley is a terrific film in its own right.

Michael Fassbender’s neo-fascist/nihilistic/deranged character in David Fincher’s The Killer also loves the Smiths and plays them during his assassinations. Doesn’t seem like a coincidence (not the fault of the Smiths of course).

I agree. Stone is good in the part but I think she was kind of miscast? The role needed someone far more feral, intense, and unseemly, and I don’t think Stone was really willing to go all the way.

“Rarely has a blockbuster managed to score so many Oscar nominations, especially in the 21st century.”

It’s almost as if art is subjective and we can disagree on the merits of various films?

Oh, it was definitely intentional satire.

At least it looks gorgeous, and Thomas Newman’s (egregiously un-nominated) score is fantastic.

Would have been a worthy cinematography or production design nominee though. Linus Sandgren can’t catch a break since La La Land. :(

She should have been nominated for Certain Women in 2016. Unfortunately I think her role in Killers is sorely underwritten and does a disservice to her and the character. Happy for her success, though.


I don’t find it hard at all; I’d kick out all but Glazer for her.

Why have we all lost our avatars?