
There’s no way he looks 16. The dude’s small but that’s pushing it.

His best work by far is still The Impossible.

The fact is Marvel movies are just extended commercials for a brand. There’s no real cinema there. Ang Lee’s film at least took risks and did something different, even if it didn’t totally work. Artistic ambition is preferable to corporate mandates 100% of the time.

Are you being serious? The first three of those won Oscars, and Coco is universally beloved I would say.

I’d take Ang Lee’s weird auteurist vision every day over the cookie-cutter factory-produced drivel of any of the current Marvel movies.

Which is exactly what Pasolini’s The Gospel According to Matthew depicts so well, and why it is widely considered the best film ever made about Jesus.

I thought it was “Robots kiss this guy.”

“for much of the Northeast, including Minnesota, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island”

This is nu-AV Club after all, the same site that just today is raving about a goddamn feature-length Flamin’ Hot Cheetos commercial.


Uh, have I landed in some alternate reality where White Chicks isn’t a flaming heap of garbage and the butt of all jokes? Have the Zoomers really reclaimed this one? Eeeek.

Water is not wet, things that touch water get wet.

When did the AV Club become a Swift fan site?

Don’t show your kids Cool Hand Luke!

Wonderstruck was pretty outside his wheelhouse, no?

“blacked out basically and clocked that it was wrong and I couldn’t stop”

Oh this headline gave me false hope; I thought the whole service was being terminated and we would have one less streaming channel to have to deal with in our digital capitalist hellscape.

Truly one of the most inexplicably successful people in show business.

What I got from this is that Timothée Chalamet sure is fond of his willy!