
When this film finally opens, we’re all going to have to be prepared to be flooded with endless metaphors, some scorchingly good I’m sure but most probably watery.

Huh, no mention that Tucci received his first and only Academy Award nomination for this performance?

I have no idea. Do you have a Roku or Amazon Fire device? Those will support it. Also some Smart TVs.

surprising, defamatory, disparaging, embarrassing, or unfavorable... open... to public ridicule, humiliation or condemnation... once you’re in, it’s not easy to get out

You mean Criterion Channel? It’s fantastic. Also, Criterion has the majority of Bergman’s filmography (not necessarily on the Channel, but in the physical media collection). What Tarkovsky is hard to find?

The real reason for all three likely being the dawning realization that they’re on a walking corpse of a show that nobody gives a shit about anymore.

Nobody claimed this was breaking news.

There’s a thing called airplanes.

I will miss the banter with Reggie, Ian, Winnie, Nick, Rob, et al. Funnier than anything Meyers is currently doing. Talk about a show that’s become stale.

Wow, Pete Davidson joining the company of Bill Murray and Eddie Murphy? One of these things is not like the other...

Has any other cast member hosted so soon after leaving the show? This has got to be a record.

Is anyone else dispirited that you can become famous for being mildly amusing on a social media website?

Is it just me or is he another mediocre white guy a la Chris Pratt, Ryan Reynolds, et al, coasting by on traditional good looks?

It could even end up on television...

Yep, it’s everywhere. Colbert had Brian Cox on last night and the first thing out of the actor’s mouth was about his character’s death. Then Colbert showed a screenshot of the Los Angeles Times’ fake obituary for his character. This ain’t an AV Club thing, folks.

Was the Los Angeles Times also trolling?

Where are the Hell’s Angels when you really need them?

Wow, he said he didn’t like a joke. What a bastard!

“Twenty years later”

Wacky lesbian aunt.