
The problem with that is that recent research has shown that sperm quality does decline with age, causing problems for both mother and child:

On the plus side, it also tells us which people to avoid like the fucking plague.

I hate that they’re right to do that. While it would be briefly satisfying to see her arrested, she’d be an instant martyr to The Church of Homophobic Christ and they’d go ape shit. Can courts impeach an elected official?

Like... literally? Were you warned against the slippery-slope of “tolerance”? What denomination?

I still identify as Christian, but I stopped going to church a long time ago in large part because of the incredible intolerance that many I visited showed. One I visited insisted that we all boycott Bravo because they were airing “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy” and trying to “make gay normal”. I noped the hell out

When I was in my early teens, being raised in a Christian setting, I was taught that “tolerance” was a dangerous word. I hate the amount of time it took me to unlearn that ridiculous notion.

I don’t fucking care if she believes a bunch of loony garbage. While serving in her capacity as a county clerk, her personal views do not matter.

She doesn’t have to change her moral opinions, but she is an elected official, she doesn’t represent herself, she represents the government. Operating her public office based on the tenets of her religion in violation of the law is tantamount to establishing an official religion for the county clerks office. Which is

They want us to accept their beliefs and their ways. But they won’t accept our beliefs and our ways.

In my 26 years of life I have seen countless friends and family members change their opinions on gay marriage. It’s not really a hard one to change people’s minds on.

She can go on believing that she is right. She can also step down from her office rather than continue her one man nullification effort.

I’m trying to figure out is the Judge who’s ordered her to do her job was a man, because she’s technically supposed to receive instruction with entire submissiveness. Nor should she be holding any authority over men.

She doesn’t have to change her moral convictions. She just has to follow the law.

Yeah I’m sure that she’s unwavering in her moral opinion that she can pick and choose which parts of her job she wants to do and when the law comes down on her the Faithful Christians will send her a nice fat donation check. As NonServiam said, we don’t give a crap about her and her hypocritical opinion. Gay marriage

Yes!!! And can they continue to fine her for as long as she keeps refusing? I wonder if she’d resign after not getting a paycheck for like 6 months.

It doesn’t matter how she feels. We don’t need to convince her of anything, we just need to get her out of office and replaced with a reasonable person.

Fuck it, I’m coming out of my self-imposed Gawker exile because you, sir, pissed me off. WHO gives a SHIT about her fucking moral opinions? WHO is interested in changing this piece of garbage’s mind? All that people are interested in is her upholding the fucking law, as she’s been ordered to do. The law doesn’t give a

The problem isn’t that she’s wrong, or that people are trying to change her beliefs. They’re trying to convince her (via a SUPREME COURT mandated order) to do the job she was hired for and is funded via taxpayers’ money.

That’s really beside the point. I don’t think anyone’s goal is to get her to change her mind. The goal is to get her to issue marriage licenses as her job requires or go away.

It is flagrantly criminal to accept tax payer money to perform a job you refuse to perform. It is theft of public funds and fraud.