
Fringed suede vest and lace up tank.

Everything offensive and tone deaf is this still a thing? I thought Made in China feather headdresses peaked in like mid-late 00s

Guys, I convinced my niece’s teen babysitter (white) to give up native american headdresses. It was difficult, and I had to put up with a lot of stupidity (“it’s reverse racist!!1!”) but I did it.

Except that the only way she could have mitigated that damage would be by violating her personal beliefs and potentially behaving in what she feels in an unethical manner. It doesn’t matter whether you and I agree with her on that. She wanted neither another child nor an abortion, she got birth control sorted out (as

Well, since she’s the one who’d be getting the abortion, it’s really her personal beliefs that matter in this situation, not yours, isn’t it?

She is in this predicament because of medical malpractice. She nor her personal beliefs are responsible the sheer negligence of the clinic’s staff.

It’s not just a religious preference. It would be ridiculous to ignore the emotional baggage that could come from the choice to abort or not. I’m not religious, but I personally would never be able to abort if I found myself pregnant again. We’re all different like that.

I’m a scientist, and we pay our summer students. The idea of unpaid internships at for profit companies still boggles my mind.

Agreed - I’m currently doing two voluntary internships, one with a not for profit, one with a small political organisation - I know neither has the money to pay me, and I’m ok with that, because I think the work I’m doing is important.

Places where it would be okay to have unpaid internships : cash-strapped charitable / international aid / public policy organizations.

They don’t dress or care for their skin the way one would expect of someone with that amount of money. They are 29 but look far older.

This is not a picture of child-stars-turned-fashionistas. This is a picture of witches. Actual broomstick riding witches.

And you win for being the kind, apologetic amaing parent who came with a problem, awknowledged it and got somethign out of it. There was no entitlement, just genuine need and kindness. That’s usually all. it. takes.

*comes to Kitchenette*

Oh hey you’re back \o/

Never read the CBC comments, dear god. If it’s not Fuck Her Right In The Pussy, it’s kiss-and-running on camera; the assailant must be charged with sexual assault— if not, it’s like saying all women are just objects that are open for humiliation and unwanted touching in the workplace. ffs I hate this country so much

I would absolutely flip my shit if someone did this to me.

Here’s a hot take for dudes all over the globe (and laydiezz, but I never have this problem w them)

Technically isn’t this a form of assault? I’m unsure of the laws in Canada, but regardless of the fact that I am a man, I would feel threatened by a random stranger invading my personal space and then kissing me against my will.

You’re going to want to go ahead and not read the comments on the CBC article. Also avoid the one about the NDP woman who commented on the wrongness of cat-calling. Just don’t even go there.