
Excuse you but do you have any idea how difficult it is go get a job with a criminal record? Especially if you’re a POC merely brushing off the very real concern of being able to actually be and remain employed due to the criminal justice system is a legitimate concern.

What’s this about the sanctity of marriage?

asking for supervised visits with a male who has a lengthy and public record of assault and anger issues seems pretty reasonable, imo.

only in the US. Everywhere else it’s a metric fuckton

Probably a fuckload.

Who knew the internet had such a thriving dingus population?

i am so excited.

She better not go to any big cities period. She might hear Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, French, etc.... She better even avoid Amish Country, what if she overhears Pennsylvania Dutch!

Make a note, anti-Spanish people: The US has no official language. It’s a fact. Also, if you have a problem with people speaking Spanish, you should probably leave California, and maybe just go ahead and leave the US altogether. Lots and lots of people speak Spanish here, probably because a huge portion of this

“Shut up! You’re stupid!”

Not to point out the obvious, but most Spanish people are marrying in their late 20s -30s (if at all). The increase in child marriages is due to changing immigration patterns as people seek asylum from countries where child marriage is the norm. (The Roma have long practiced very early marriage because of the cultural

This is a fabulous interview. I’ve done a lot of work in development (back in India in particular) and I’m particularly glad you highlighted the role of the changing climate in individual decision-making - I find it is a part of the process which is often neglected. This is especially true in low-lying parts of the

Thank you for this important interview. It shows that poverty is almost always the reason for human rights violations. A person who is hungry does a lot of things they would never dream of doing, if they were fed.

He’s not a fetus, they don’t care.

That’s just cruel. He’s not asking for benefits, is he? Just an amendment to a certificate before he dies.But even if there were benefits involved, still incredibly cruel.

Yes, being a dick to a dying man is exactly what Jesus would want you to do.

Yeah, Jennifer Garner’s Lifetime movie

I hate hypotheticals in general, but that’s a good question.

Pro tip: never propose to the rebound person.