
Major props for wedging a Skeet Ulrich reference in. Still bitter over the cancellation of Jericho.

There are some businesses that offer by-the-hour care which is really convenient without the obligation of potentially expensive daycare.

New childcare business idea: daycare centers that offer delayed payment if they’re watching your kid becuase you hve a job interview. Start paying after your first paycheck! The goodwill guarantees that unless they’re an utter shithole you will want to keep bringing your kids there.

This can’t be said enough. When white moms do this shit*, it’s called “free-range parenting” and they get book deals out of it.

Having little to no available childcare is a serious problem. I’ve heard so many stories like this. While these women are quick to be criminalized, there is never any information or resources to offer options when you’re in a bind. Supporting the mothers helps the children.

This was my first thought as well. One of those times where I hate to be proven right. I hope the company that offered her the job stand by their offer and that as she says, this too passes.

Before I scrolled down and saw her picture, I knew she was a black mother. This never happens to white moms.

I know everyone here is going to be up in arms about the guys saying we did it, but lets not forget that while some women think men saying we when it comes to pregnancy is about men taking credit for something they played no part in.

Guys I am six month into incubation mode and I am way terrified of labor. Hearing that screaming did not help my anxiety about it :-/

As a nursing mother with a couple of upcoming business trips, this would be amazing. Crazy that breast milk can’t be brought on a plane unless you have a baby with you. If I had the baby with me, I wouldn’t need to be pumping (as much)!

Jesus, I could almost have written this. Our dog has major fear aggression issues. We’ve had 4 trainers, spent thousands of dollars, countless tears and fights and, you’re right, SO MUCH CHEESE.

I normally find articles like this to be pretty hokey, but I couldn’t agree more with the basic gist of this article.

Oh I am so sorry for you guys, you really did the best for Cheddar you really did. Congratulations on the upcoming nupitals and I hope it hasn’t put you off giving a dog a loving home because you really did give Cheddar a loving home. Thanks for sharing your story, I hope you are ok.

RUSH should close it. I’m just saying. Class up the joint.

We could have booked Maestro. Jully Black. Fefe Dobson. Our perma-booster Drake. (And, wtf, Steven Page was good enough to solo at a state funeral but not for the Pan Am Games?)

Also Alex Trebek, Tim Horton’s, and Hockey Night in Canada which is available on most cable systems in Greater Detroit.

Canada also gave us Rush, Neil Young, Bryan Adams and Diana Krall, so stand the fuck up.

It’s something people should really only do if they are going to be photographed and want to look super fancy. But I don’t think a lot of people understand that, and it’s becoming more common for people to use this as like an everyday look, and tbh a lot of people just do not have the skill level to make it look good

NO. It is a thing that only people who are big into makeup do. These people have a THICK layer of makeup on their faces, and probably look a little weird in person. Strictly an advanced-level look.

Little did she know that she’s showing the ultimate of white privilege by making an exhibit out of a dead black person. #StopWhitePeople2015