
Yeah, that or had an actual job/internship. Something more than “freeloaded off of friends for a month.”

I’ve said that I’ve lived in places I was in for 6-8 months. At a certain point, you do just get on with your day-to-day life and that’s kind of my cut-off. Was I paying bills, going to school or working, buying boring sad groceries, and staying in to watch TV/read most nights? Yes? Then I was living there.

I know a woman who is annoyingly intelligent who went off on trans surgeries. The gist is (according to her) that stats show there is a huge jump in suicude post surgery and now she believes that surgery for trans ppl is wrong and they should be treated for their mental illness (gender dysphoria I assume?). She

Can I throw in an addendum that says you can’t say you “lived”somewhere for 3 months? I don’t know what the cut off should be, but if you were on a tourist visa you probably didn’t live there. I have heard people say they “lived” in Spain for 3 weeks! 3 weeks! You were on vacation! Just say you went on vacation! Ok,

Bizarre generalization.

I mean, the article quotes her saying she had like 19 cents. Why is that so inplausible?

Wow, really? No. Even us poors allow our children to keep the money that they earn themselves.

Where would you even get that money from at age 5?

Actually, sometimes we do. We’re not perfect, especially not at 5 years old, when we think 19 cents is enough to start saving for a surgery and that because we found it in the couch, it’s ours. And sometimes, poor parents don’t want to take the 19 cents away from a five year old to pay the bills because the thought of

I don’t care how much loneliness they suffer. They are monsters for doing that. They need to be sent home, never to return to the States.

Agreed. I genuinely laughed at that.

Right? It’s like the ultimate gaslighting. You can’t possibly have independent thoughts! Someone must be telling you to hate your other parent because in literally every non-divorced household all the children get along swimmingly with both parents all of the time!

It’s also really common for kids to (of their own volition!) not like a parent and not feel safe with them. All those kids are old enough to have their own opinions. I can’t tell you how shitty it is to be told by the court that because you are not 18, it is impossible that you would have any independent thought and

I love that she’s doing the whole “you guys don’t understand” thing when literally NOTHING (barring the kids actually, you know, committing a crime and even then it’s debatable) that justifies her sending them to jail and threatening them in the manner that she did (“you want people to watch you pee?”).

HEY THAT’S ME! I MADE THAT! True life, I cried a little bit when I got it in the mail, and I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen my father look at me with such pride.

Father fails Solomon test.

Since then, I’ve been seeing them regularly but always in supervised visits, sometimes with a professional

“Since then, I’ve been seeing them regularly but always in supervised visits, sometimes with a professional and sometimes with my ex-wife present.

Cool beans. So the obvious solution is to treat a group of children like they are criminals and lock them up. That will certainly be the anti-venom to mom’s poison. I bet they come out of there full of nothing but love for dear old dad. :|

And yet no explanation as to why he’s letting his kids stew behind bars for not wanting to have lunch with him.