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The bar is set so low that literally any celebrity who has talked about being president one day would be an improvement. I remember Pitbull said he wanted to be president and now I’m like “I don’t hate that idea.” For one, he’d have a better immigration policy and he’s certainly pro-globalization, if this song is any

Okay, I’m gonna bite the bullet and ask. Why the hell is that man so red? He looks like he’s got the worst sunburn in the world or he spent several hours bathing in beet juice.

As a cis white male, I support this message. While many of us don’t have our heads up our asses, there are far too many of us that do.

This is the biggest flaw in the logic of these so-called “Bathroom Bills” and it reveals what the intended outcomes actually are. NO ONE believes that a sign on a bathroom door will stop someone who is determined to assault another person, not even the GOP lawmakers introducing these laws. They ONLY care about

The faulty logic behind stuff like this is telling. This campaign has always been about a lot more than “protecting women and children.” It’s clear from the subtext of the discussion that it’s also become a way for these groups to reassert their social norms and reassure each other that trans people are perverts.


“Hey look a lady! I’m gonna rape her- oh, no, wait... she went into the girls room. Dammit. Foiled again!”

Gary Steiner is cisgendered.

stop blaming trans people for the crimes against women that cis men perpetuate.

Fuck Just Want Privacy. They’ve been terrorizing trans Washingtonians under the guise of protecting women for years (shocking that these same assholes are also in support of WA ballot measures that would make it easier for domestic abusers to purchase firearms...).

Oh for fuck’s sake.

And this part...

Spoiler alert: men assaulting women in the bathroom (anyone assaulting anyone in the bathroom) is already illegal. It has absolutely nothing to do with letting trans people use the bathrooms for their intended purpose (you know, like all humans need to).

Hoooooly crap.

I feel like I have met a lot of white people who say authentic but they mean stereotypical. Like if you try to perform what feel authentic to you, they feel you are putting on an act and you have to conform to their manufactured ideas about authenticity or you are not living up to their standards.

I’ve been thinking recently how funny it is that after seven years of promising to have a super-awesome health care bill with no downsides, when they actually have to turn in their homework it’s such an atrocious proposal that hospitals, doctors, insurance companies, the AARP, ultra-conservative Republicans, moderate

Yeah. My daughter is disabled and on a state Medicaid waiver program, which charges a parental fee based on a sliding scale. I still pay about $6500/year for the parental fee, but it acts as a secondary insurance that picks up everything our primary insurance doesn’t. It is a lifesaver, and I rarely if ever post about

Good article, though I could have summed it up in one .gif

I expect a great deal of humanity in these comments. A hundred times more than I expect from this administration. Great article!